Make sure to visit several different colleges, each with a different feel -- one in a city, one in the country, big, small, etc. You won't really know what's right for you until you step foot on the campus. Do the right research to make sure the college has the right programs and facilities that will cater toward your personal needs.
Finding the best college is hard. The best thing that i have figured out is to decide what is more important to you...this should be your major. Narrow it down to looking at just the schools that are known for that major. When it comes down to it most colleges are the same...you take the same kinds of classes, but finding a school that is known for International Studies for example will gear your college experience towards what you personally are looking for. Another thing to remember is colleges make a lot off money off of one student so they will always promise more than theyw ill ever end up giving you. To make the most of your college experience, you don't need to be involved in a lot of groups or go out every weekend. It's about going on excursions throught he town with your roomates, and having movie nights with cookie dough, those are the things you'll remember forever, not being part of student activest clubs.
Finding the right college is about figuring out what you want out of your classes, whether you want small or large classes and whether you would function well in a big city or a small suburb. College life, aside from the school work and classes, is about trying to have fun and make new friends. Trying new activities and going to campus events is a good way to meet other people on campus. Exploring the area around the campus is also fun especially if you are not from the area.
It is important to first review the personality of the student entering college, and then look at the person's intellectual capability and goals. If a person can fit all three of these categories into one university, then they have found the learning environment for them. If you are an introvert/intellectual, there are many ivy league and higher education systems available for these people. If you are gregarious and intellectual, then you have found my school. If you choose to look at things on a global level, then study abroad is important. The main issue here is to figure out what you like to study, and enjoy as a hobby, know your study habits and learning curve, and go out there and you will find the right fit.
As far as picking of the right school, I would look for the type of environment that best suits the student for learning. Visiting the schools before making a final choice is highly suggested, especially if you have the opportunity to spend a day with a current student for a day to see what college life is like at that particular school. The college experience is all about learning and having fun. Getting the work done is the first priority and if you have time then joining a club or group would help broaden a student's perspective and get them in connect with different people. A work study job is always helpful for spending money or getting a job that is off campus. While it is not always possible to go to every campus activity, try to go to as many as you can especially those that hold some kind of interest for you or you think might be fun.
The most important thing to do when it comes to finding the right college is just to visit as many colleges as possible before deciding. Never choose a school based on what it says about itself either, the best way of getting the truth is to visit the college and ask students who don't give the tours what they thing about it, because the tour guides do get paid, and won't necessarily be honest with you. It's also a good idea to simply search the internet for information about the school that isn't published by the school, so you can see what other accredited affiliations say about it. Once you've chosen your college, make sure you or your student becomes active on the campus, join clubs and attend the performances, movie nights, comedians, or other get- togethers hosted by the various clubs, because this is where you will meet your future friends. The last peice of advice I have is to never limit yourself to just hanging out with who you were roomed with. You are more likely to have something in common with the people you meet at various clubs and sports.
Definitely visit schools, look at academic programs, see if they offer study abroad programs or graduate studies. I would also look into financial aid packages, sport activities, housing, etc. It's important to research campus life. Many times students pick any school and end up hating it and switching to another school. Save the hassle and do the research.
Always visit the campus and talk to students to find out anything that is of importance to you.
Pick a place where you feel comfortable and where people share your interests. You will hate living there if you cannot find any commonality among your peers. Relax as best you can and don't overwork yourself. Don't sign up for a hundred extra-curriculars when you know you cannot commit to them in addition to school and work, but don't lock yourself up in your dorm all day either. The best experiences in college come from how you develop and interact with people outside of class. Allow your self to be open to new things and you will make the most of your college experience.
Picking the right college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, so choose carefully. Do your research and visit each school before you make your decision. Consider all pros and cons of each option. Once you get to school, take your education seriously. The hardest thing about college courses is that you get a small amount of work at a time, but it's easy to fall behind if you don't pace yourself and keep up with that work. You also need to remember to enjoy the college experience. Four years go by very quickly so don't spend all your time with your nose in your textbooks. Have fun every once in a while. Join clubs, get involved in sports, go to parties. The people you meet in college will be your friends for life so don't miss out on any opportunities to meet new people.