The most frustrating thing about Arcadia is the tuition amount in comparison with the aid I am receiving. I feel that some students who are doing worse academically are unfairly receiving greater scholarships/aid.
Probably just that it is so expensive. Arcadia does give out good scholarships, if I hadn't gotten one I wouldn't be able to go, but it's still kind of expensive. This is frustrating to me because I love the school so much I wouldn't want to leave because of the expense. I know many students who have had to transfer because they just couldn't afford the tuition, a few of which were very close friends that I was very sad to see leave.
The most frustrating thing about Arcadia University is getting a professor that you hate. It makes going to each class very dreadful and makes learning extremely hard.
How expensive it is! I love it there but it is hard to find the money to attend!
The most frustrating thing is the lack of a communal sense. People here are friendly, but no one wants to get to know other people outside of their own social groups. Everyone walks around campus with a scoul on their face. I've tried smiling or saying hi to people as I pass by but they avoid eye contact. WE GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL! Half of the campus also goes home on the weekends. I don't know. I guess this all is just proof that most of the campus regrets their decision of choosing Arcadia.
The most frustrating thing about my school is each department seems to run under different rules. The eneral education requirements are known by all but other than that there seems to be no one person that you can go to get a straight answer. Everyone sends you to another person and nobody knows for sure.
I wish we had more healthy food options. As a commuter I don't have a meal plan and I don't always have time to make my own lunch. I'm not a fan of greasy food.
Getting answers from staff members because sometimes you get the run around or they are just slow at giving you an answer
The most frustrating experience I have had at my school is being placed in the housing that I desire. It is very difficult to get your first choice, and sometimes even to get your second or third choice. After being given the runaround by the housing department, I ended up in the dorms again, which is very uncommon for anyone who is not a freshman. The housing placement is based on a random lottery, and I think that there are many more efficient and fair ways of handling this.
I find the most frustrating thing about Arcadia being that there are not a lot of activites off campus in this area other than traveling to the city.