Arcadia University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known about the social life. It's very dead here during the weekends and programs organised are even not that interesting.


that there was a lack of a social life and no greek life


I wish I had known about the significantly uneven female to male ratio.


Nothing really. It's all good. Maybe the male to female ratio.


I wish I had known how difficult it is to become social when you do not live on campus. All of the extra-curricular activities I wanted to be involved in have meetings at 10 or 11 o'clock at night, and when you're a commuter student, you do not want to drive all the way to campus that late at night for a mere 20 minute meeting, only to have to drive all the way back home and get to sleep soon enough for class the next day.