I would tell myself to not stress. In high school I thought college was going to be terrible. I have loved college more than high school and I thought I would never think that. College is a time in your life to expand your freedom and grow in your knowledge. I would tell myself as a high school senior to relax and not stress. I would also tell myself to not worry as much about the applications and enjoy my last year in high school.
I know you cant wait to get out of the house and move into the dorms and start your college life. You should, because it is pretty awesome! However, independence comes at a price. Don't slack on your grades that last semester, just do the boring busy work and get those A's because B's will only get you so much. Start saving anything and everything you can and be prepared to work your tail off in order to pay all the bills that are coming. It is going to be hard and you might cry a few times when everything seems like it is falling apart, but keep your chin up because this is only going to make you stronger. Keep working hard now and be ready to work harder after graduation, but it is worth every late night shift and every month you go by without being able to get new stuff or go out. The freedom you will have and knowing that you are able to take care of yourself is the most rewarding feeling you can have. Keep going and do everything you can now to make the ride a bit easier later.
Remember to save money and just be yourself! you make better friends that way
Honestly staying on track of finances. The college work load isn't as bad as teacher make of it in high school. Look for scholarships and finanical aid.
August You have potential and you are doing good so far with accomlpishing your goals you had set for yourself when you were a freshman. When you get to college there will be 6 skills you need to continue to be a successful student. Preparation, Networking, Note-taking, Studying, Review, and Balance. If you ever feel like you are rushing your future just like you rushed the age of 18 Just remember "You have to crwal before you walk" . Also think about the sacrafices you would have to make when you get to college because you, will be a full time student and working at the same time. Highschool and college is a big transition.You have to be more responsible in college because you're an adult and no one will be there to baby sit you and tell you don't do this and don't do that. Your good communication skills will be an big help in college. It will be easier to interact with people who have the same goals as you and you won't hesitate to ask your professors questions. Almost forgot one thing. You might want to go to bed on time too.
If I could go back in time I would tell my self, it may seem scary but it is just because its new to you. By the time you know it, it will be over. Also I would tell myself not to take breaks, to run full force with this because this experiece and the education you recieve will be well worth it. College is like high school if anything easier because you have more control over your schedule. Overall my experience has been a delight and its not over yet!
The advice i will give myself if i were to go back to high school would be that i would prepare myself better. The way i would do so woud be that i would take time for school and take it more serious and focus on it more trying to make the best out of it. I would tell myself to get involded in every program that has to do with academics to further my education. I would also keep my grades above average to be prepared for college. As well as keep myself in a responsible enviornment to be able to keep myself in a college mode.
If i could go back and give myself adivce about college the first thing i would tell myself is to go talk to my counselor about scholarships and to join every club and sport i can. I would also tell myself to not worry because college life isn't scary at all. It's actually the greatest thing that has (will) happen to me. The last thing i would tell myself is to do more community service activities and get involved more in the community and find ways to help out.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, the first thing I would tell myself would be to enjoy the last year of highschool as much as possible, it does not last forever! As far as college is concerened, I would notify myself that there is so much to be learned, and that in order to enjoy it the most, I should act as an intellectual sponge. By that, I mean that I need to soak up as much information as I can because information is a valuable tool in college, and in life as a whole. I would tell myself to be happy, and to never let anyone deter me from my dreams; without them, I would have absolutely nothing. Most importantly, I would tell myself that in order to have a successful college experince, I must love. Love people, love life, and love education. I feel like I've done my best in college thus far, and I can only hope to continue that trend.
If I could say anything to myself two years ago when I graduated from high school, I wouldn’t say anything. Not one word. Not because my life is absent from stains; there are plenty of those. Retrospectively, I despised having my first heart-wrenching breakup last summer, the “freshman 15”, an obvious vacancy of close friends my first year of college, and a myriad of other obstacles. Yet we all contend with challenges; they are unavoidable; ineludible. Even if I were to warn myself about my mistakes, I would still encounter them. From them, I’ve learned how to say “I’m sorry” and mean it. From them, it is evident I need forgiveness and grace. From them, I’ve been humbled. From them, I have just begun to learn what it is to be human. Therefore, as strenuous and ironic as life is at times, I would not change my experiences, the pleasant and the pungent, for anything. Plus, if I knew the outcomes of the events in my life, major and minor, what would be the point of faith?