Arizona Christian University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Arizona Christian University know before they start?


If I was able to go back and speak with my high school senior self, I would tell myself two very important things. First of all, I would explain that I should not feel entitled to anything in this life. Relationships and material items are a blessing; we do not deserve them. In order to have relationships in college, I need to show people that I care, and make them feel comfortable around me. It is not everyone else’s responsibility to cater to my emotional needs. I will receive that once I have shown that I can be a caring friend and serve others when they need it the most. Secondly, I would tell myself that I still have so much to learn. The knowledge I possessed in high school was so limited, and a wise thing to do would be to surround myself with people that have had more life experience than I have had. That way, they will be able to pour their wisdom into me, and I would be able to realize that I need to learn what they have to teach me.


Dear highschool graduate, after conquering your world you’re at the bottom of the foodchain again. It’s not as bad as it seems. Life happens, but you’ll find that things usually work themselves out. There will be distractions, good and bad. You may get lower grades than before, but what’s important is that you give it your all. Take my advice: get things done right away -procrastination is not your friend! Structure, organization and goals will help you succeed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help -faculty actually wants to help you! Stand tall and be uniquely you! Everyone else is in their self-discovery stage too; conversation and debate are good! Find what YOU believe, not just what you were taught in school or raised on. Meet people! Befriend the “weird”. Venture to know people from different cliques. Remember, take time to do things you love; enjoy every moment, take it all in. Smell flowers, enjoy sunshine, stargaze. This will relieve stress and empower you to face lifes challenges. Eat healthy. Exercise. Sleep well. Your health is really important! In everything, aim for excellence. Smile. And above all, don’t worry…you can do this!


"Don't make mountains out of molehills." The problems that seem overwhelming now will seem foolish to you later. Being so fixated on your stress and difficulties will distract you from the task at hand. Focus on the here and now and stop worrying about the future. Dwelling on things that have yet to come don't solve the problems, but instead take your attention away from what's in front of you right now. Take time to breathe, enjoy the moment in the present and focus on that. Doing your absolute best in the present will be the foundation for your future. You can't reach your destination if you don't build your path to get there.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school, the advice I would give myself on college life would generally be based on better preparation. In other words, I did not feel very prepared to enter college when I graduated high school. I have struggled with my learning disability since I was in middle school, and the transition to college seemed very difficult. I knew the work would be harder, and I knew there was more of a demand to keep up with the other students academically. The advice I would have given myelf would have been to maintain better confidence and to grow deeper especially in my faith in Jesus Christ. From what college has taught me, I have learned the importance of striving for success not only as a student but as an individual. If I had known these traits when I was still in high school, I would have entered college with more confidence. With more confidence, the fears I had of entering college with my learning disability would have not bothered me. College has educated me in many ways. It has been my biggest stage of growth!


Zech, I know as a senior, you have this pride of being on the top. Having this arragence, and this self righteous can be a great feeling at the moment, but I want to you to be prepared on what lies ahead. You wont always be at the top. You'll be going to a school, where most of the people their, are older then you, with more knoledge and experience. Don't go into school with a proud hardend heart, but go in with a humble one. Look at no one less then you, but look at every one as greater then you. Be willing to serve the people around you, and have a heart of humility toward everyone. Love your enemies, and do good to those who hate you. Give a helping hand to those in need. Be a light in peoples lives that one would be attracted to. Give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} on your homework, and your spitual life, and live a life with a love for your self. Accept your past for what it is, because it is NOW apart of you, and learn to love you self, so you can love GOD.


Four years of my life were shaped in the same building with halls and classrooms I knew so well. Now the place seems a blur in my memory, and I realize something went wrong. High school was the time where I was told “enjoy it while you can.” Instead of seeing the value in that statement, I chose to rebel, and seek my own desires of the moment. As an education major at a university now, I wish I had found the value of that time I spent in high school. The experiences I wished to pass where major events that should have contributed to shaping me into a better person. The impact I could have had on friends, I now will not see again. I had the potential to learn from the experiences of each person who crossed my path during my high school years. If I could go back to high school I would enjoy the moment. I would tell myself not worry about the future or become anxious about the unknown, but find the blessings in the moment along with the lesson it holds, for the moment soon will pass.


I would tell myself to stay in school study really hard , that the benefits will all be worth it in the end it is much easier to continue on then restart later in life


First and foremost if I could go back in time I would tell myself to apply for scholarships any and all scholarships available. Paying out of pocket is very expensive. I would tell myself to step out of its shy box and get to know people. The door of opportunites are wider when involved. I would also have a serious talk about procrastination. Plan ahead because procrastination has a way of creeping up on you. Most of all I would tell myself to have fun. College is a growing experience a time where people grow and mature. A time in life that will never come back.


The first had experience I have gained up to this point would allow for many things to be said to my high school self. First, I would demand that I be more open to experiences outside of school. School is not life. There is fun to be had, and things to be learned outside of school. A novel idea, I know. Also, I would have told myself not to date in high school! Tying myself down in any way to anything was a bad idea because it limited myself. The last piece of advice that would be imperitave I tell myself is this nugget of wisdom: learn to play the cello! I put it off for so long, that now I have no time; thus, my procrastiniation has won for now. These three things would be my advice to my past self.


If I could go back to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to pick up some better study habits. Instead of just glancing over notes, perhaps reading chapters that were assigned and answering chapter questions. I would also advise myself to improve my time management skills, in order to maximize study time while also getting a healthy amount of sleep. But most importantly, I would advise myself to get ready to be tested. In high school, there are times when you are tested; but when it gets to college those tests are far more consequencial. Such as missing a lecture, in college that one day of lecture you miss is the equivalent of a weeks worth of work within a high school setting. It is inevitable to have life occur, and you miss one day of class; but do not let it be a reoccuring thing as you will fall behind and have a very difficult time catching back up.