Arizona State University-Downtown Phoenix Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Before entering college, I wish I knew about time management. In college, I have a lot of free time. At first, I was happy that I had the free time and spent a lot of my extra time watching TV. Little did I know that for every hour in class, I needed approximately two hours to study outside of class. After a couple of weeks, I began to get a feel for college and started to make the transition. About a month into college, I finally learned to manage my time and that has helped me became a successful student.


I wish I would have known how expensive it is to live without any further financial help from my parents. My parents helped me pay for what needed to be paid for after scholarships' assistance ran out, so they told me that from there, I was on my own financially. I soon realized that taking on a part-time job would be very helpful and prevented me from having to be solely dependent on the cafeteria for food as I was financially able to eat out every now and then.


To know how to get around the city that you will be going to school. You have to learn when the trains are running and the time. I had to take a cab once and it cost $40.00 because the trains don't run late. These are some of the things you don't learn until you are in this situation. Also access to health care is important. I didn't know that it is very limited on campus. So you need get the information from the health office on what they offer for students.


I wish I would have known how often you are at the library. I never used the library in high school because I was smart and didn't need to, now I am there almost everyday studying. It is a much different environment.