Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


It has a reputation of being this huge party school, but it has completely changed. The president ,Michael Crow is working to turn ASU into the new american university by hiring the greatest staff, having the greenest campus, and most welcoming atmosphere. These changes are completely noticable too because you will notice you want to attend class and get involved in the college community. So ASU is best known for being a welcoming and involved community.


Arizona State University is well-known for quite a few things in many different areas, particularly in the engineering, math, and physical sciences areas. ASU has become one of the most well-known universities in the US, thanks to the endeavors of students and staff members.


My school has several good programs and students are quite succesfull there.


Arizona State University in Tempe is best known for it's W.P. Carey school of Business. Asu being a top ranked college, also offers undergraduate programs of criminal justice, and science. With many majors ranging from health careers to a buisness aspect Arizona State University is a great college.


Its known for its great weather almost all year long. Also its very diverse community, and open enviroment.


My school is honestly best known for partying.


In all honesty my current school is probably best known for its reputation as a party school. Fortunately though they are cracking down on students partying more so the school might actually get more attention for its great academic programs in things like engineering.


My school is best known for athletics and it's business school. It has a strong greek life and a lot of opportunities to get involved.


I would say it is known for being so large or a party school, but really or Walter Cronkite communication program and WP Carey business programs.


My school is best known for it's athletic teams and for the design school education. The art's school is very competitive and is known to be one of the best in the country which is why I attend Arizona State University.