Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Arizona State University-Tempe?


When the name ASU is said, usually one thing comes to mind- party school. And while this may be true in the eyes of greek life... what about those who do not follow this mold? What about those who work hard, try hard, and do not let parties interfere with their social life? I dont believe those who try hard deserve this reputation. Therefore, I brag about being enrolled in the top journalism school in the country- Walter Cronkite school of Journalism. I am here to prove that I am attending school for more than frat parties.


I usually brag about all the fun activities that take place on campus and all the friends I've met. If the football team was doing well this year I would brag about that too, but they aren't doing so hot.


That we have really hot girls. Also, I am part of a small school within the School of Life Sciences so I have wonderful teachers who are always willing to help out.


ASU is a great friendly school where you learn to jugle you academic and social life. The weather is great most of the academic year.


great weather, nice social environment, good professors


I don't brag.


how it is so big and i love it here and the people here are really friendly


Well, I am a Music Therapy student and there music therapy program is amazing. The professors who teach the classes are very inviting, helpful and enthusiastic. So I always tell people how great that program is.