Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Arizona State University-Tempe?


A person that is not serious about their college education should not attend Arizona State University. This is an easy school to get in to but very strict when it comes to following the rules. The programs at this school are very competitive because of its large campus population so any student not prepared to do the necessary work to aquire a good GPA should not plan on attending this school.


I think anyone could attend this school. All types of different people come here and they are able to find what works for them.


Anyone who is suffering in high school right now, because they care very much about academia here.


If you're shy or don't like crowds, don't come to ASU.


People who do not try to become better in their lives.


A person who is intimidated easily by large groups of people or anti-social should not attend ASU. The campus is HUGE and there are thousands of people surrounding you on a daily basis as well as a large campus that can be intimidating to people who prefer small towns.


Just because of Arizona State University's sheer size, I would say that someone who's unfocused or dependent on others should not attend this school. Sometimes classes have hundreds of students, and if you aren't able to concentrate and be responsible for your own success then you will not do well. Professors with that many students have a hard time helping everyone, so if you're a person who likes individualized instruction in all of your classes then this may not be the best choice. You have to be independent!


Someone who has a problem with getting lost in the crowd should not attend ASU.


The type of person who should not attend this school is one who has poor study and organizational habits. With a fifteen week semester, a student needs to be able to stay caught up with assignments in all of their classes. Once behind, it is dificult to catch back up. Study and organizational skills are impotant when attending this university.


Someone who doesn't like to walk a lot. The campus is so huge and most people bike anyway.