I realized without a college degree, there aren't many good occupations out there. A good college education can take you many places.
What i have gotten out of my college experience so far is a better understanding of the world around use. I have learned to become more independent and responsible. I think college has been valuable to attend because the way the world is now you almost have to have a degree in some field of study to even think about being successful.
Met great people and broadened my horizons.
Among my college experiences here at Armstrong Atlantic State University, have been the ability to gain and understand academic work ethic, gain the concept of public relations, and an understanding of the general importance of higher education. My professors here have been extraordinarily helpful in guiding me to possible careers, and opportunities in the workforce, by offering me the support and understanding I have needed in each respectable course I have completed. This in itself is why my experience here has been indeed valuable. AASU has given me the confidence needed to succeed even if I ever find that departing here is necessary to complete my field of study. The professors at Armstrong Atlantic State University are infectious, as I will remember them for their abilities to engage and capture students. In these times of economic distress, I can say that I feel confident that my future will be filled with success prior to my time here at AASU!
One of the first things I would tell myself is to work on my study habits. Subjects in college are not as easily comprehended as subjects in high school. Some of the core classes teach some of the things learned in high school except college goes into more detail and they go through the material much quicker. Where in high school at least two weeks can be spent on one chapter, in college one chapter can be covered per class setting. Procrastination is your worst enemy. Get in the habit of not putting things off until the last minute, but start on it when it is assigned. Time goes by quick and before you know it the assignment is do the next day but you have not started on it yet. Another issue is get involved more. Do more extra curricular activities. Not only do you meet new people and make new friends, but those extra activities look good on multiple applications including ones for jobs, colleges, and scholarships.
If I could go back to year 2002 when I was a freshman in high school. The advice that I would give myself would be to keep making good grades like I was and to strive to make a 4.0. I also would have taken the SAT in my Junior year and been more prepared so I would get into a good college and so I could receive scholarship money. I would mention also that I should take up a sport so I could a full schoolarship into college. It would be helpful if I would have hade a part-time job through out highschool so that I could have bought me a dependable new car to go to college in. I would also say that I should have taken math and science seriously in school and if I could not understand than I should have gotten a tutor.
Some advice i would have given my self is to start saving up early. I would also tell my self to have the hard worker mentality and not play around becase college is not something to be taken lightly. The transistion between college and high school us hard. Yes, there is more freedom but with that freedom comes a bigger responsibility to know how to manage your time and be indeoendent.
Slow down, Kylie. Stop trying to rush your future. Time will take it's course, and as for you, the same applies. Stop taking life so seriously and focusing on what needs to be done instead of what has been done - this will help you learn a lot about yourself. Stop worrying about what is out of your control. Do things you enjoy, such as: painting, swimming, playing outside, biking, playing with your friends. Because never again in your life will your three best friends in the world be a mile away anymore. Next time you look in the mirror, notice your unconventional qualities originality, they make you beautiful. Dispose of the thirteen old in your psyche - who looks in the mirror and strictly see flaws. Laugh more, things will get better, I promise. Stop skipping therapy and missing your pills, you have worked too hard on yourself to lose it all. Stay kind, remember that underlying pain is what has caused all negativ qualities in a person. Your nose should face the sky only when you pray. Genuine happiness is your virtue. You're stuck with yourself; you're all you have. Love yourself.
I can not count the many nights when I have lost sleep over cramming for a test! Cramming is no longer a violation of the ten commandments...at least i can finally tell my folks that with enough confidence. If I could travel back through time to advise my senior-self on how to make it through college, I'd tell me to trash the tv and tell my friends that I am going into hibernation. I'd say that college can be seemingly overwhelming, even if one tries to prioritize. I'm always tired and always in the need to justify procrastination. I'd tell myself that college requires determination and perserverance. The road to success is often long and sometimes dreadful (my hommage to Geography), but in the end, the reward of having succeeded is well worth the lack of blood shed and the theoretical gray hairs grown due to stress. I'd also tell myself that despite the hard work that makes you want to pull out your hair, you'll be wanting to do it all over again by the end of the summer break.
If going back and talking to myself in the past was possible, it would have to be as a high school Junior because I dropped out of school my Junior year. I would remind myself of all the struggles my mother went through, raising three daughters alone, and all the times we went without the things we needed, unable to afford even the basic essentials. Then I would project all those things into my own future, and warn myself that, even though I would have the benefit of a husband to help me raise my children, I would be subjecting my own family to the same desperate living conditions I endured as a child if I didn't stay in school. I would tell myself that there is nothing to be afraid of because there is, indeed, enough financial aid to fund my education, and that I am smart enough to make it. Lastly, I would tell myself what an incredible time I am having now, as a college student, even with a full family, and how empowering the experience is. I would beg myself to change the trajectory of my family's future for generations to come.