Armstrong State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Armstrong State University know before they start?


I would advise myself to be prepared to discovery my real self. High school is a time of fun, college is a time of self discovery. Everything that you think you know, you dont. Even when you thought you were sure, you weren't. Its like a whole big world opens open in front of you and life starts becoming a reality. I would advise myself to be open minded to all possiblities. Things you thought you did not like could be there very things that you might enjoy. I would also say to be prepared for alot of studying, procrastinating is the worst thing you can do in college. Every class will not be an easy A like high school. You will actually have to work for it and dedicate alot of your time to learn these knew things. Its all worth it in the end. The last thing I would say is stay motivated. There will be obstacles along your journey. There will be mistakes you will make, and things you regret. Things may get so tuff you want to give up, but just remember you are the only thing that stands in the way of your dream.


If I could go back to my senior year, I would tell myself to apply for scholarships! I made the mistake and didn't apply for any scholarships in High School. If I applied for scholarships then I would not have had to pay so much money out of pocket. I would also tell myself to get better study habits. I would practice them with my schoolwork in high school and get prepared. College studying is much more strenuous and it takes way more time than High school. I was not prepared for all the work that it takes when it comes to studying.


I would have encouraged myself more to pursue the hope scholarship because obtaining a college education is very expensive.


I would encourage myself to be more active and to join more student groups if possible. I would also tell myself to pack less.


There is a monumental amount that I've learned since enrolling in college. If I could give my senior-self advice, I would have a plethora to say. First, I would say that college is where you grow into an adult and find yourself. I have changed vastly since my first day of Freshman year. It is okay to not know what you want, but you will find yourself and then you will be ecstatic with the wonderful person you grew into. Next, I'd say not to be blinded by the fun that surrounds you and let your academics fall by the wayside. I have seen many people not have academics as a first priority and they did insurmountable damage to thier GPA. That is a waste of money, time, and intelligence. Finally, I would warn myself that growing up is harder than you'd think and you will face some trying times but that is when you discover which people were being counterfeit and who your true and blue friends are for life. These are the best days of your life, so grow, know, and show that you can be greater than anyone ever expected you to be.


Well I think I would let myself know that it is better to have an higher education than just a high school diploma. Once you have recieved a higher degree, more opprotunities are avaible to you in life. Sometimes at a young age you really do not see that it is better to finish all the things you might not like than to find out later that you missed something you might need. so I guess i would sum it up by saying as along as you do what you have to do to move forward in life than to have to go back and do it at a later time becuase it the older you get the harder it gets to get some of education completed.


I would advice myself to develop better study habits and remember that my life choices are my decisions. Never give up on wat YOU really want to do or change for no one in the world. Failure is not an option, college is not like high school, you can move at your own pace and graduate when YOU'RE finished. Don't rush to keep up with your "friends" but do your best the first time and stay focused. Sometimes you'll fall and fail but when given a second chance USE IT!


At this time, making the transition from full time employment to full time student is a huge step into the unknown. I am at a point in my life where the salary cap has been reached. I feel confident to persue my degree in Dentistry because of the 25 years as a Certified Dental Assistant. The Dental Assistant Nation Board has helped educate me in many areas of dentistry and I am encouraged by all the


Note to self, Do not let people try to persuade you that you cannot make it - you CAN. Never doubt yourself - you will make it into the college of your dreams. One really good tip to remember always keep track of your know information and always educate yourself in the areas of financial aid, scholarships, transferring, and transcripts because you will get thrown for a shock when some of your classes are not paid for or do not transfer. Also, take big deep breaths alot - college is not easy, you need to be prepared. Stay motivated and determinated because that is what is going to get you through the hard things. Keep your head on you shoulders and know that with each test you take your getting better and keep on working harder. Also, always have a back up plan for books because most of the time the school bookstore is not the best place to go. NEVER procrastinate! ALWAYS be on your tip toes because once you are behind it is hard to get back. Most of all take care of YOURSELF!

Pa Houa

If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, the advice I would give myself is: 1. work hard at the begining of the semester, it will always pay off at the end 2. get to know your college, that makes college life more than just boring classes 3. get to know your teacher, connection starts in college 4. study one to two weeks before exams 5. ask question, no question is a stupid one