Armstrong State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Armstrong State University know before they start?


Take the time and tour the campus. Just see what fits your personality, major, and lifestyle.


Choose colleges based on your path in life not whether its fun or not because college students have fun either way.


For any student or parent who is looking for the perfect college, there are quite a few things to take into account. First, one should make a decision on the location they plan to attend college, whether that will be close to family, further away or even a certain state. A list of desired colleges should be acquired and then one must start narrowing down. If a major has been decided, start checking off which colleges will be able to assist the academic needs of the prescribed major and eliminate the ones that will not meet the requirements. Once finished, it?s time to be picky. One should figure out the environment that will fit the needs of the soon to be college scholar and every other specific detail should be taken into account. A very narrow list should be obtained to where the application steps begin. Once a college has been established I would strongly suggest to start getting involved in the school. Whether it be to live on campus, play intramural sports, join clubs, attend study sessions, etc. This will help to build a firm learning environment where it will be easy to adjust and be more enjoyable.


Make sure that you do not base your choice on websites only. Sometimes the pictures on the website and the atmosphere on campus are very different as you thought. Take a roadtrip, talk to current students and make sure you do not only get the best education but also the best overal experience of your college life!


After the long, stressful, tiring process of finding the right college, my advice to have a good experience would be to get involved, meet new people, help the community, stay focused and have fun! Every school has students and activities, so put yourself out there and have a good time and make some memories.


I would have to say to look at what school they would be most comfortable attending. Some students are more comfortable at larger campuses, art schools, smaller campuses etc. You have to be comfortable while in school. Look for a school that has good ratings, academically and socially. Always get involved in your school. Join clubs and most important HAVE FUN!


Visit the campus and talk to as many people as possible! As a student it is in your best interest to talk to your professors, it shows you are interested and care about your grade. Read the school catelog and ask somebody if you do not understand something. Do not just accept your advisors advice, research on your own and ask other students and/or advisors for their opinion. It is best to obtain an advisor in your field of interest. Take the time to speak to others in that field to solidify your decision of course work. Take advantage of what you are paying for. See what is available for the student on your campus and use it. One thing I have learned, there are many ways to acquire your textbooks other than the overpriced book store!! Other students, paper, or online! There are also different professor information sites that give opinions from their previos students. Get to know your learning style and what works best for you and don't underestimate class participation!


My advise about finding the right college for youself or for you child would be to take the time to go and visit all of the campuses you may have in mind. Once you step foot on the campus that is right for you, you will know. It is almost like you feel at home before you even register. College is a life changing experience, yet it is the most fun students will ever have and you will meet some of the most amazing people in your life. College gets tough, but you cannot give up; keep trying, it will get better! One thing I have learned is it only gets better. College has been the most amazing time of my life so far and I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity and am attending a college which is absolutely perfect for me. Do not get too wrapped up in the social aspect; have fun, just not too much! Be careful!


I would suggest that parents allowed their child the freedom to decide what college is best for them and refrain from living their dreams and ambitions through their child's life.


If you came from a small town or high school do not jump to a large school. It does not matter where you get your education as long as your grades are good and you can get into graduate school or a good job. Also meet new people do things you normally would not and you will gain alot from college. Stay at school for a month before going home you will meet alot of people in that month and you will build lasting friendships.