From the time I started high school, I knew what college I would attend. So much so, I only put in one college application and did not bother to visit the campus. I knew financial resources would keep me in-state and besides, both my older cousins had attended this college and I looked up to them. I was accepted to the University of Georgia in 2001 and completed my degree in Classical Culture in 2005. It was only then that I realized I had no real experience, no internships, no connections, and no career prospects.
Looking back, I would tell my younger, naive self to spend that last year of high school focusing on my interests and goals. I would also tell myself to become friendly with the college faculty and not be a stranger in the career services department. Most importantly, I would tell myself to complete several internships before leaving college to obtain experience and connections in the my chosen career field.
It is now many years later but, by following my own advice the second time around, I am completing my degree in Biology at AASU and have the knowledge I need to start my career.
Looking back to my senior year, I know currently wish I tried harder at applying for scholarships. College truly is expensive especially when your parents cannot help you one bit. Freshman year in college I struggle at paying for everything. It was always worrying and stressing me. Luckily I did have enough money saved up to pay for the fall semester. Trying to keep up a 4.0 GPA in college is hard especially when you'll have to work too to pay for your education. So I truly, truly wish I can go back in time to apply for more scholarships than I did. I want to be able to focus just on school. Not work, money and school because I want to make all A's, I want a chance to get into a good medical college to become a pediatrician. I just want to follow my dream and if I had applied more scholarships I would have made my dream coming true just a little bit easier.
I would tell myself to create a good study habbit. When I was in high school I did not study, because I did not have to. Now that I am in college I have to study a lot and am just now creating a study habbit that should have been created in high school. I would also tell myself not to worry about what others think. When I first graduated and was about to enter into college I was so worried about not fitting in and that I was not going to be viewed as the life of the party. Durring my freshman year I tried my best to attend every party and event so I would seem "cool" instead of staying home the night before a big test to study. Now, I am focusing on putting my priorities in line. Another piece of advice I would give myself is to keep the most important things in your life closest and do not but other things in front of them. For me, I have learned that stress will cause you to push important things and poeple away. Keep you family and friends close, they are always there for you.
A high school senior should to take the initiative to get organized and progress in weak study habits. When preparing for college the best thing I kept things organized like scholarship applications, college admittance applications, essays, reference letters, financial aid. etc. I prioritized by making lists of everything that was of the utmost importance detering from procrastination. Once I actually transistioned and became apart of the college lifestyle, I took it upon myself to establish good work ethic, self-determination and long-term goals. I would have to say that this particular establishment would be the advice everyone can take with them wherever they go! It works for every possible encounter in life, whether it be from the workplace, home, or school. My recommendation to every high school senior and their parents, that I can't express enough, is check out the campus environment and visit as many campus you can! More importantly, the advice I would give myself is enjoy life and be passionate about everything I do. Even on a college campus the committee wants students who are passionate and interested about life and themselves. Have your own unique factor you can offer your own future college.
STUDY! Don't put it off like it's going to be there later because sometimes, it might not be. College isn't anything like high school. You can't play around in college like you used to in high school, but college is more fun than high school.
This only comes from personal and personally disappointing experience, but carrying on any tendancies to slack on assignments and procrastinate until the last minute for papers, tests, essays, a single body paragraph, ANYTHING is a horrible mistake. It's costed me a good chunk of my GPA, as well as my self esteem. Recently, I've come to find that learning is a didactic experience and is meant to be enjoyed. Take the time to actually study those novels that your professor suggests to you, they might seem silly at first, but they actually DO serve a vital purpose in assisting your learning experience. And please, please, please do not forget that although going out and trying to make new friends might seem more important than your education right now, it's absolutely not going to gain you a career in the future. And lastly, believe in yourself, and do stop worrying so much before you give yourself a brain aneurysm. Love, me.
STUDY! Study more than you ever have in high school. Don't play and joke around by putting stuff off because you can't make anything up in college. In the free time that you have, studying is really a necessity. The more you study, the higher the GPA will be and that is all that really matters in the long run.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to be more outspoken and confident. It is not something that is obtainable as soon as you want it, but something I should have worked on. I would go back and tell myself that I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to, but that I first have to believe in myself. I would also have advised myself to engage in more extra-curricular activities and leadership positions to prepare myself for college. Now it is more difficult with a part time job and full time school schedule. With more confidence to go after extra-curricular activities and leadership positions, I'd increase my chances of getting scholarships- I wouldn't have to work menial jobs and I could concentrate on my school work and future career by volunteering and interning.
Visit the campus and meet with other students that are attending or plan on attending. Many schools host a visitation day were high school senior and parents can go sit in class rooms, meet faculty, and see the flow the campus has to it. Get involved in campus organizations, don't just sit in your room. Most dorms have socials and offer great entertainment and study groups. Parents, plan trips to visit the campus with your child, and visit them while away from home. Take a few things from your home to have as a reminder and comfort of being away. Care packages are amazing or just a simple card saying hey.
I would advise parents and students and reaaly consider scholorships before graduation. Having scholorships can increase college options and eliminate many of the issues that will arise in college. Also, I would advise students and parents to visit college campuses before making a decision. Your college campus can be very influential on you college experience.