Asbury University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Asbury University?


How amazing the people are--both the professors and the friends I've made on campus.


The people. The friends I've made at Asbury are the best friends I've ever had, and they will be friends for life. The professors not only are smart in what they do, they actually care about not only our academic success, but also our well-being, including our spiritual life (Asbury is a Christian campus). You can totally feel God's presence on campus, too, which is amazing.


I brag about the spiritual atmosphere it encourages. I speak highly of how Jesus Christ and a personal relationship with Him is appreciated and encouraged on campus. The students want to build their faith and they encourage their peers to do the same. Our school is a close family who hold tight to our rules and beliefs.


Asbury has some amazing connections with internships at the olympics and study abroad affiliations in numerous countries and other cities across the U.S., especially considering the small size of the school. My experience studying abroad while at Asbury was definitely the highlight of my undergraduate experience.


how i met my best friends, and how i could call any of my profs at home if i had a problem


I like to express to others how at home i feel here. All the students, staff, and alumni are friendly and welcoming. I know that I always have someone to talk to when needed. The professors are very good about their office hours and being available. Most professors even give you their home phone numbers. It feels as if everyone is one big family. The school is just perfect in size.


I tell everyone that Asbury is such a friendly school. Everyone is very helpful. Whether it be professors, cafeteria workers, janitors or other student; people walk around with smiles on their faces and genuinely want the best for others.


That my small Christian school is know for Media Communications, which is my major. There are so many "once in a lifetime" opportunities through this school like going to the Olympics to help with Media stuff, internships in Hollywood, Martha's Vineyard and other cool places, a film festival every year, and other cool events.


That it's fun, cool, an easy place to learn, a great Christian College where you can really live for Christ, great equine program, a chance to grow, and really put your faith into actions, and to learn more about your faith, a place to be yourself, and enjoy a great Christian education.