Sometimes there are more rules than you had at home which can be frustrating. Making friends is realy easy though.
I changed majors several times, so I would tell my high school self my current major (Christian Ministries) because that is what it is going to stay as now.
Make a schedule. Keep track of how you spend your time. Don't neglect your friends for studies, but also don't neglect your studies for friends. Find a balance that works, and every single day--spend time with God. Make it a habit so that when hard times come, that won't be the first thing you drop to study more or sleep more or whatever.
If I was able to give myself advice about college in high school, I would have told myself to look for more scholarships. Once you graduate the number of scholarships offered to you decreases significantly! I would have also told myself to not wait to get involved in activities-extracurricular activities introduce you to so many different people.
Be sure to stay on top of things academically; that's important. However, start looking for work in your field IMMEDIATELY. Asbury doesn't do a good job of placing you in your field. They expect you to make most of the connections you need, and jobs are scarce right now. Try to get multiple internships, if you can.
I would advise that I connect more with other classmates and study together. I relied too much on my own to complete assignments or take tests. I think learning from others and working together is a necessary component to education.
I have learned to adapt to different people and to work hard in every aspect of life. College life at a four year school was much harder than at a two year school. I live on my own and my family is not close. Through this I have learned to stand on my own two feet and be resourceful. This has been the best thing I could do for my life which made things great so I love what I have accomplished with my life.
From 2008-2009 I attended a college where I was challenged with my beliefs. I made wrong choices and in the end I decided to transfer schools. I now attend Asbury University and have become a different person. I grew in my faith and built friendships with my peers that accepted me with my faults and encouraged me to be a better person. Not only were my peers accepting of me, but the campus was friendly. My professors were understanding and wanted me to excell in academics. I have also had the opportunity to particiapte in intramural sports, which allows me to stay active and build friendships. Despite the many activies that keep me busy, I have time to engage in my studies. I am a proud student of Asbury University.
College is one large ocean. It?s a sea of fish, swimming around campus in different directions with different motives. Some are out to learn, some are out to destroy others, some want to have fun, and still others are there simply because they have nowhere else to be. College is a little fish in a big ocean situation, and in order to learn who you are, you need to learn where you fit in this environment. Through my first year at college, I learned not only where I fit, but who I am, and who I want to be. While the journey certainly was not always easy, it was necessary. College forced me to grow up and to see that what I want isn?t always what?s best, and that sometimes, it?s better to listen to other people than to myself. It has taught me that no matter how hard to situation seems from my side, there is always a solution just around the corner if I am patient enough. College has been a learning and a growing experience that I would never trade. I am eager to see what the next three years will teach me.
Make choices on your own and don't choose college based on where friends were. Give yourself more credit when it came to academics and don't put yourself down because you don't feel as smart as other classmates. You are smart and all you need to do is put time into your schoolwork to see a difference. Hard work pays off. It makes you feel good about yourself when you know how hard you have worked on something and see a great result. Also, college is such a great opportunity and a lot of people would do anything to be able to get a college degree . Don't take this time for granted. Soak up every moment and get envolved with positive people because this experience will never happen again. Build friendships with your classmates and really enjoy your time with them and choose your friends wisely. Don't work too much if you don't have to because you will have to work once you get out of college so take this time to enjoy the experience and get good grades so you can be proud of yourself and the work you have done.