The outreach and religious community is very involved in our daily life however the religious aspsect is not shoved down anyone's throat and everyone is accpeted at Assumption.
Assumption College offers small classroom sizes so students are able to easily make new friends and receive the help they need. Our Catholic campus provides a chapel for students and faculty but is also open for the outside community as well. Sometimes during finals week Assumption has puppies come in for students to play with to help students de-stress.
Worcester is a college town. I've been to other schools with only one college in it. There is never anything open late on the weekends off campus or anything to really do off campus. Worcester is also the second largest city in MA so there is always cool places to go and usually shuttles on the weekend to take you there.
I believe what is unique about Assumption College is the size of the school. Although at times it seems too small, I believe that this is sometimes what is needed. It gives you the sense of family and of knowing most people you are surrounded with. Once you get used to the size and find your place, you are apart of the community; you feel like you are at home.
It has easy access to the city for fun activities but the campus itself is quiet and surrounded by woods and nice neighborhoods rather than buildings and loud noises. It is a small school, so everybody knows each other and I never like a small fish in a big sea.
Assumption has a dedicated staff in each field of studies. As a double major student, I have had the opportunity to work with these wonderful people to help me get my 4 year plan together. But they also are their for many other reasons outside of the classroom. I have had my life changed in the most positive way due to my sincere friendship with my chemistry professor from first semester.
A unique feature about Assumption compared to other schools I considered is that Assumption has a much stronger sense of pride and school spirit. Since Assumption is a very small college it is generally a very welcoming and proud place. People are always seen in Assumption apparel, at sporting events, giving tours and recommending the school to others. From my experience, Assumption is a family like environment.
It is really small and compared to other schools, there are no frats, sororities, or lecture halls on campus. Definitely a plus.
My school is enormously friendly and welcoming. Not only to prospective students, but to attending students as well.