Auburn University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Auburn University!


Our traditions at Auburn University are definitley unique compared to other schools I visited. We roll our trees with toilet paper after a winning football game, we can't step on the Auburn seal unless we don't want to graduate, and we are all apart of the Auburn family.


Our school is one of the hardest schools to get an "A" in a class. It has success in both academics and sports.


The sense of community among students and alumni is incomparable. One of the biggest difference are the fantastic traditions and experiences surrounding the football program.


Auburn University boasts a student body that is extremely devoted to the school and each other. We call ourselves a family, and it’s easy to understand why. To say that students of the university have school spirit is an understatement. I could hear cheers from the football stadium through my dorm window during the fall season. Also, many students at Auburn help each other succeed, and take pride in the success of their classmates. Cooperation and teamwork are emphasized, and the students get to know their classmates. Auburn itself has quite the small-town feel; everyone is family there.


The community and alumni. We're known as the Auburn FAMILY for a good reason. There's a huge sense of belonging and loyalty. You feel a part of something bigger than just your college/university.




The Auburn family is all in! War Eagle! Rush Chi Phi!


Auburn University is most unique in its atmosphere. The campus is beautiful and pedestrian friendly with lots of trees and gorgeous brick buildings. The people on campus and in the community are seriously some of the nicest people you will ever meet, and everyone believes in and stands by the maintaing the AU Family where no one is a stranger. The campus is also rich in tradition and history, such as the flying eagle before each football game and the AU creed, which helps make the experience more unique and ginuine than any other school I came across.


The Auburn experience embodies not only a highly-rated business school, but also includes a rich student-life experience. With the many traditions, investment in community and general kindness in the area, students from all over the world are welcomed in the same gracious manner. Auburn is an established university with multiple strong schools that provide hands-on and real-world training for a student's career. Lastly, the staff at Auburn always made their classes interesting and put their students first.


I wouldn't have gone here if work wasn't paying for my grad school. I don't think my degree from here is worth anything though