Auburn University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Auburn University? Is this stereotype accurate?


Preppy/outdoorsy. Yes, but not in a snobby way. A very friendly campus.


Classy is one word to describe Auburn University and we uphold that stereotype to a "T".




Typical 20 something college student mixture of jocks, frat, sorority, construction, forestry, foreign, etc.


The stereotype of people at Auburn is that they are southern and very polite and conservative. I find this to be an accurate stereotype for the majority of the students at Auburn. Some people think that Auburn has the reputation of just being a bunch of frat kids but this really is not the case.


Being from a big SEC school, there is a large Fraternity and Sorority stereotype. Being a part of the Greek system, I can see how this stereotype may be perpetuated. However, there is not as big of a "Go Greek or Go Home" mentality as people may think, seeing that Greeks only make up a small portion of the Campus.


Most of them are an "all-quality" fun loving and are career oriented at the same time!


One stereotype about Auburn is that we are a "cow college" with just a bunch of rednecks. We used to be an agricultural school, but we are so much more than that [engineering, nursing, business, architecture, interior design, liberal arts, etc.].


The biggest stereotype is redneck farmers. But that is not true at all. I mean just look at me I'm born and raised in Southern California. We definitely have all types here.


There are frats, sorority girls, geeks, and the average group.


Most people who are not from the state of Alabama, characterize Alabama as redneck and southern. Now yes, Auburn is in the south and there are southern people that go here, but Auburn University should definitely not be characterized as "redneck" . In all actuality, Auburn is a very diverse campus with people from all over the country, and even the world. Even the students that go here that are from Alabama should not be considered "rednecks". They are intelligent, educated people, the southern drawl that they have just adds even more to their uniqueness. Overall, Auburn is more than just a big university in a small college town, it really is a melting pot of people from all walks of life and each person adds something that makes Auburn unique.


The stereotype that Auburn is full of small minded rednecks is mostly true. You will see the majority of students that look, dress and act all the same. The biggest student event at Auburn is the Rodeo. So yeah, the stereotype is supported.