Auburn University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Auburn University?

Is Auburn University a good school?

What is Auburn University known for?


I think its a really good sized school and I love how easy it is to get around because everything is so close together. I think just about everyone that has come to visit has had an amazing time here.


the best thing about auburn are the people.. very laid back and down to earth (i transferred from an extremely snobby small private college, so its great here to me) the number of students seems too large, but it feels so small.. i swear it feels like only a few thousand go here.. biggest recent controversy was the murder of lauren burk and how our administration reacted/didnt react... lots of school pride.. most frequent student complaints are that there are not enough bars


Auburn's traditions and the close-knit community make it unusual to any other school; couldnt imagine myself anywhere else!


Auburn is absolutely amazing. For the most part everyone is really nice.


I absolutely love Auburn! It really has been the best decision i have made for myself coming here. Everyone including teachers and students are very friendly and eager to help. Auburn feels like a college town and family.


Auburn is an amazing school. However, when I tell someone I go to school there they laugh because they think it is a bunch of rednecks who live in trailers and who farm. To be honest, that is a horrible stereotype of Auburn. Auburn is a small southern college town where everyone knows everyone else. In the fall, students start school and the fraternities are known for the band parties on Friday nights. Saturday's start off with tailgating and then heading to the Jordan-Hare stadium where you will see the Eagle fly and here the students scream WAR EAGLE and chant Bodda Getta. In the spring, you have other events to look forward too. Sororities practice everyday for Greek Sing. Fraternities still have band parties but they are mostly themed. For example, Sig Ep has Waikiki. Also, a lot of fraternities and sororities have their big philanthropy events. Ultimately, if anyone comes to visit Auburn this is what one would see. Auburn is a small southern school with a lot of school pride! WAR EAGLE!


The size of the school is perfect. It is not too big but it is also not too small. It is big enough that there are tons of new people to meet but it is small enough that you see your friends out everywhere. It is a small college town which is fun since I am from the suburbs of a big city.


its getting too big....every one always things auburn is in gerogia, i love being in a college town but it gets boring sometimes


I love Auburn, everything about it is PERFECT. They pick really bad math teachers sometimes... Lauren Burk was the biggest controversy, soon will be Juicy Campus...


Auburn has agriculture and many exciting programs to be in! you have to go to camp war eagle before you go its super fun!