Auburn University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Auburn University?


If you are really liberal then this school probably isn't for you. Being in the middle of Alabama there are a lot of conservatives here and it shows. But the people are nice and friendly if you are willing to go out and meet people, even the fraternities and sororities. Also if you don't drink or do drugs then you probably don't want to come here as you will feel like an outcast as most people drink a ton and smoke weed.


If you don't have a good work ethic then Auburn is not for you.


someone who doesnt like the south


You shouldn't attend this school if you don't work hard or care about succeeding. If you are not a football fan, then the scene in the fall may appeal to you.


A hard worker. Auburn may seem like a football school, but the classes are no joke. Friendly people tend to find more friends, but it's hard not to find an activity you like to do here.


Anyone who can't appreciate the southern charm and can't handle being away from the "big city." The university pretty much is the town, so you definitely get that feeling of isolation and the sense that you (the university students) are the only thing that matters. It can be kind of oppressive for people used to a million plus population.


Those that dont want to have fun make or meet amazing new people, but most of all who dont want to put any work into their studies.


Someone who can't handle high temperatures, and someone who is opposed to greek organizations.