Sometimes it is easy to become friends with one really good group of people and then never branch out and meet new people. I'm not saying that it's hard to make friends, only that once you make your good friends in your freshmen year, you may not make very many more friends. That may just be my major talking, though.
The most frustrating thing about my school is parking. There are not many places for visitors to park, and it is often difficult for students and teachers alike to find spaces for the day.
It is a very big campus so trying to get from one end to the other in the 10 minutes between classes in sometimes difficult.
While I haven't actually started at Auburn University, the report for most frustrating thing is considerably limited. The only thing I can think of that is frustrating about the university itself is its geographical location in respect to where I live.
Parking on campus is usually a nightmare. There are not enough parking spaces for students, so sometimes it is difficult to get to class on time if you are stuck trying to find a parking spot. On the other hand, we have an awesome transit system that picks up at most on/off campus housing to bring students on campus.
There is construction in the most inconvenient places at the most inconvenient times.
The most frustrating thing about Auburn University is that it does not have enough dining areas open at night. Most of the dining halls close around 5 and 6. When you are hungy at 8 and want a study break, you have to have food in your room, because most of the on-campus dining is closed.
When signing up for classes, it is very hard to get the classes that I need. Some of the classes that are crucial for me to be in are full by the time I sign up.
The most frustrating thing about Auburn University is the parking. We have a walking campus and there is just not enough parking available for all of the students, especially during morning classes from about 8 am to 1 pm.
The most frustrating thing about my school is transportation to and from school. Auburn has minimal parking for students and because of that they provide a transit system, but the transit system is always very slow. With the slow transit and minimal parking it is hard to make it to class on time, and I normally leave about 45 minutes before my class to get a parking spot, and even then it's hard to park.
How difficult it is to get classes for registration.
I have visited several other SEC schools and a couple of smaller four year universities too. Auburn's meal plan does not quite live up to other schools. Freshmen and others on campus must purchase $995 per semester for meals. Students living off campus must purchase a $300 meal plan per semester. I like some other schools' programs better. Many schools go by number of meals (ex.: 50 meals per semester) instead of actual dollars.
If anything, it would have to be the parking issue. We have a parking lottery at the beginning of the year with possibilities of parking in the lots closest to your campus housing. If you don't win the lottery, there are several remote lots on other sides of campus-quite a walk away. Its all the luck of the draw!
Honestly, the most frustrating thing was moving into the dorms before school started. There are hundreds of students, each with at least two family members helping, all trying to move in on the same day. The dorms quickly become hot and crowded with a mass of people and a maze of boxes in each room. However, as frustrating as that is, it is also somewhat exciting knowing that a new adventure is about to unfold and it begins right there.
The most fustrating thing is how difficult some of the work can be, parking , and when the worst weather comes we have no school closures so if its icy of the roads or a tornado you still have to go to class.
PARKING!!! Everyone has problems parking. Tickets are extremely common even if you are just parked outside of a dorm for 10 mins.
They need more temporary parking too.
The most frustrating things about Auburn University is the lack of communication between the colleges and the lack of helpfullness among advisors. Many advisors of their respective colleges know very little about the rest of the school and because Auburn is such a large university, this creates problems for some students pursuing degrees in different fields.
It is an amazing place. The most frustrating thing would have to be choosing classes and extracurriculars, because there are so many amazing options.
Football is very important and we just fired a very good coach for one bad year.