Auburn University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Family. Auburn University embodies every single atribute I was looking for in a college and it all begins with what we like to call the Auburn Family. Anyone who lives in, went to, or just simply loves the school is a proud participant in the Auburn Family. The family means being able to walk down the street wearing anything AU and getting a hardy "war eagle" or simply a smile from every family member you encounter. Having this family makes me able to feel at home when I am somewhere so far away from where I grew up.


The best thing about AU is how welcoming the people and campus are. Teachers are always willing to help students. Students are considerate of other students and anyone on the campus. The more acclimated students will help new students find their way to a certain building. Students and faculty of AU are actually one big family. Even though we might not know each other yet, we would be more than happy to help each in any way possible.


The best thing about Auburn University is how great the people are. All of the professors, advisors, various employees, students, and residents of the city are so welcoming and supportive of the university. One could ask almost any person they see for assistance and that person would do their best to help out. The atmosphere is that of more that just a college or community, it is that of a family. That’s why I believe in Auburn and love it.


It feels like a community. It's really just a small college town, and people take pride in Auburn University.


The best thing about Auburn was the faculty staff available to the students. These men and women were often available before and after class to help all students--from the ones who never came to class to those who studied hard every night. While I was at school, I had to leave a few weeks prior to finals making it almost impossible for me to catch up with testing material. Thanks to my professor and our meetings, I was able to take the final and end the term with an impressive grade.


Auburn University is uniquely interwoven into the city of Auburn itself. The culture and traditions of the city of Auburn are often directly related to the University itself. Toomer's Lemonade is wonderful. Rolling Toomer's Corner is always a blast. The Gameday atmosphere is electric and exciting. The school spirit at Auburn is unlike that of the typical University--especially when it comes to sports. The campus itself is safe and peaceful otherwise: easily a cool place to live in.


Auburn University is uniquely interwoven into the city of Auburn itself. The culture and traditions of the city of Auburn are often directly related to the University itself. Toomer's Lemonade it wonderful. Rolling Toomer's Corner is always a blast. The Gameday atmosphere is electric and exciting. The school spirit at Auburn is unlike that of the typical University--especially when it comes to sports. The campus itself is safe and peaceful otherwise: easily a cool place to live in.


The best thing was the quality of the professors. They were qualified, professional, and were well educated.


The best thing about Auburn is the Family atmosphere. You can walk up to anyone on the councourse and make a new friend.


The best thing about Auburn University is the school spirit. Our college experience is mostly molded around our football season. Thousands of families and friends come into town every weekend to visit and see the game. Our university is family oriented and based on many traditions; a couple characteristics that have very strong appeal to me.