Augusta State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Augusta State University know before they start?


As a high school senior, I was heavily involved with sports: basketball and football. I did a couple of service learning activities with an organization, “Heroes of life,” to keep music an active part of young people’s lives. Using the experience I have now, I would advise myself to make use of community college and volunteer more. I would have benefitted from earning college credits concurrently in high school. I see students graduating at a community college at 18, which is because they took the initiative to advance their education. I had the dedication to school and graduated with a 3.0 overall, but I loved the competitive drive of sports. On the other hand, volunteering helps out on resumes, as well as helping people who do not have time or the less fortunate. Giving up hours to see a smile on a child’s face is more gratifying than wasting those hours playing video games. Many take for granted the amount of knowledge they can gain from a teacher. Therefore, I would recommend staying in touch with my teachers.


Since I'm just now starting out as freshmen in my first college year at AUgusta State University; I would stress the finer importance of making the best out of high school by starting off well in grades, especially the starting point of ninth grade year. I would tell my younger self to stay focus and keep to your own values despite what others may think or do; because it's not about your current location but, it's about how you pave your own successful journey to your future destination. That would be the overall part in making it from ninth through twelth grade. The next thing is to try and be optimistic in all that you do and not to let feel to down or overwhelmed by the changes that go about whther its between letting go of friends and relationships or just being too worriful of what the future may bring. Studying hard for the SAT would've been the next biggest improvement, especially the second time you take it is what I'd tell myself. Finally I would have added the next biggest thing for starting college is to apply for many opportune scholarships before graduation.


To study hard to pass my AP Calculus test and my AP English Language test.


We all watch the TV shows with the college students who attend fraternity parties and spend more time outside of the classroom than in it. Television shows like these make college look like a blast. While, in a way that's true, there is still a much more important aspect of the college life. If I could go back and offer myself advice about the college experience it would be to stay disciplined. In high school you try your best because you want to go to college. In college you try your best because it's your money and future on the line. It is important to stay focused. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to accomplish your goals. Instead of spending the night out with friends, you have to stay in and study for the multiple tests you have that week. It is essential to have priorities. When I began college I had the misconception that studying would take the back seat and socializing would be in the front. I was wrong. The key to success in college is being discplined enough to sacrifice fun for growth.


Well if I could go back in time to talk to myself I would consider going away to college. I would have thought about my major a little better and I would have definently gone with my heart not my parent's. I know money is tight but that's what scholarships are for and loans. I would give myself the knowledge of what the tests are like, I would tell myself to study harder for finals in my last year of high school because it's what helps me prepare myself in college. I would have gotten a job sooner and I would have been able to save some money so I could have gone to the school of my dreams. Thinking about it today, I would have told myself to pay more attention and take my time because once I took that placement test those where the classes I had to take before I could start my major in college.


I would tell myself to make sure I prepare to work really hard. Most students graduate and think that work in college will be a breeze. It is definitely harder than most people think. It requires dedication, focus and determination to succeed. I would say my high school prepared me pretty well, so I kind of knew was I was getting into. College is definitely a life changer and you must stay ahead of the game to make sure you excel.


For the past eight years I have been surrounded by the military; Navy friends, regulations, deployments, and most importantly, Navy schools. My college experience has reminded me that there is indeed life outside of the military sphere. Throughout my entire enlisted tenure, I was always required to study subjects I did not care for one whit. Throwing myself back into college has reawakened the drive I had to pursue knowledge of new things - the same drive I lost when I was constantly forced to study. I am here by choice, and that is reflected in the hunger I have developed for my chosen subjects. The second benefit to attending a university was not obvious at first. The Chemistry and Physics department is chock full of supportive, fun and hardworking students who have slowly become my circle of friends. This doesn’t sound so odd until a person realizes that before I began attending Augusta State University, ALL of my friends were military. Now they number less than 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. ASU has opened up my life to normalcy again, and taught me I can actually enjoy the things I could only remember appreciating before I became a college student.


I have gained so much knowledge about the world because I attend college. Because Augusta State is a pretty tough school, I feel as though I have to work harder and longer to get an A. And because I work hard, I understand the concepts of my classes more. I benefit from each of my classes especially History surprisely. I see how what has happened in the past influences our future. Humanties was also one of my favorites. I plan on traveling one day, and to see what I have been reading and studying will bridge the gap. This college experience has taught me how to talk people , how to sound intelligent when I speak and so much more. It is valuable to attend because it will carry you throughout your life. College is the stepping stone for more opportunities and a better life.


The bigest thing that i have gotten out of college is faith. number 1 faith in Christ 2, faith in people and 3 faith in what i am doing. That i can change the world for the better.


My first year at college was rocky and, compared to the acheivements of my academic career from kindergarten until my high school graduation, an epic disappointment. I had absolutely no idea about what career path I wanted to pursue which caused me to believe that maybe I was not supposed to be in college and just maybe, I was not as smart as I had previously believed. Fortunately, I did discover a very important flaw I have that is currently being mended. I have the raw talent i need to be successful in college: intelligence, willingness to learn, good retention of information. However, what I lack is discipline, study skills, so on and so forth. Now that I know exactly "what I want to be when I grow up," I have a new found determination to excel and actually put forth the effort into making my dreams reality. Attending college as helped me do so and has opened my eyes to "the real world" that is cold and uncaring and waiting impatiently to throw hard work and adult concerns my way. What i have learned and have yet to learn will help me face those problems successfully.