There are many things i would tell myself in high school if I could go back in time. I would advise myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible, regardless of how long some might be. I would also advise myself to come up with some sort of organization system that would help me keep everything in order and to manage my finances wisely. In addition to this, I would also tell myself to avoid falling into a habit of procrastinating on small and important things from doing homewrok for the next day to studying for midterms. I would also stress to myself the importance of helping others and giving back to the community. I would tell myself to participate in organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Phi Theta Kappa. The last thing I would tell myself is to believe in myself and to not be intimidated by anything that I would face because it is something to be enjoyed not feared. Once I had imparted all that I had learned through my experiences as a college student I would hope that my younger self would heed my suggestions and improve the already wonderful present time period.
One piece of advice I would give myself is to stay focused because alot of time students can get caught up on the things that happen outside of the classrooms; losing focus can result in bad grades or failing a course. Another thing is to avoid peer pressure. Students are always put in a situation where their morals and vales can be tested and they need to take into consideration the purpose they attended college and not let people in their surroundings have a bad influence on them. A student also needs make sure they know the standards of scholarships that they receive because a lot of times you scholarships depends on you GPA and there they should to keep in good standing so they wont lose a schololarship. The last thing i would suggest to anyone is to strive for the best. College can be stressful and if students continue to strive for the best their futures will be bright. Its good to have a life goal because then whenever they feel the need to question themselves about the purpose of continuing college they can look ahead ans see that what they do affects their entire life.
If i knew back in high school what i know now. I would tell myself to push yourself to go further. Acheive the goals that you made. and anything is possible. Stay focused and do the right thing.
I would tell myself to just relax, I stressed myself out trying to get into college and looking back on it I wish I had just taken it a little easier on myself. I would tell myself about how excited you should be, that being in college is alot of fun and you should be looking forward to it even more than you already are. Lastly I would tell myself that there is a whole lot more responsibility in college, that you can't just float through and expect someone to always be looking out for you, that its big step towards being in the real world and that I need to be prepared for that challenge after I get dropped off my Mom and Dad.
Apply for early decision on all the colleges you apply for, start on scholarships early, try register for your classes early because even at a small school the classes are filled up fast, if you bring a car bring it, and buy your books online instead of at a bookstore.
David, do not stray too far from the path of your education. The temptations of life are many and you are going to be deceived by opportunities that at first glance seem easier than finishing your education. Education is hard, and it should be, or else it will not worth the time and effort.
If I could be the ghost of education future, I would not want show you a future of a 48 year old trying to struggle with the challenges of marriage, kids, work , and getting an education. I would hope to show you the future of a successful businessperson that was able to use a college degree to open doors to opportunities that were locked to those without an education.
David, enjoy life, but take the time to get your education now before the pressures of life and time present you a degree from the school of hard knocks.
All ways try your hardest. Don't slack off or take anything for grantit. Take it one day at a time and live life to the fullest
As an adult student now, I would definitely advise myself to consider my career choice carefully, then choose a college that will best prepare me to be successful in that field. I would then give the advice to stay the course to complete the degree regardless of what life brings your way. The transition from high school to college life is much easier than high school to employee life without a college degree or that of employee to adult college student. I would also advise myself to seek the support and advice of well respected, successful people in my chosen career field to mentor me and keep me disciplined in my studies. Finally, the best advice I can to myself and others give is not to be afraid to dream and then to follow that dream. Focus on your goals and dreams and do not allow distractions to take you off your chosen path
Go to the college that you really want to. One you feel at home in. You can only really experience it once. Live without regrets. There will always be ways to aceive your goals if you search hard enough for them. Good luck!
College choice is essential to the happiness of each college student. When picking the most fitting college, remember to pick a college that best reflects the person in attendance. Make sure that you are comfortable with the location, the diverse backgrounds, size, and course qualifications. For me, one of the more important qualifications for choosing my college was location. The University I currently attend is only two hourse from home. Also, the school is located in a reserved community away from heavy traffic. It's located near many attractions (at most 45 minutes away), and located near essential stores such as Wal-mart and Food-Lion. Location is very important. Another thing that caught my attention was the size of the University. It was small, yet the perfect size for me. The student-teacher ration was exceptional, which allows for more one-on-one time for students and teachers. For me, these were the most important qualities at college. The best advice I can give is to make sure that you will be comfortable where you choose.