Pick the school that best fits you the student, not what everyone else thinks is good for you.
Choose the school that fits your needs
As far as making your college decision, consider all the factors: Do i like it?, Am i comfortable here? , Is it affordable for me and my family?, Can I see myslef being successful?, Do they offer my major, and what can I do about sports ( if you're an athlete). Make sure to take advantage of all the things that the university will make available to you. Take the campus tours, official visits, and orientations that the school may offer, and be sure to update all information necessary in order to fully receive all financial aid possible.
Making the most of your college experience is entirely up to you the student. You dont want to spend your four years sitting around and then notice that they are gone just as soon as they came. Be active, make friends, be visible, and join a club. What ever it takes, dont leave the college or university you attend with the "woulda shoulda coulda's," you know? No regrets, you only live once, and make the most of your four years, and live life everyday.
make sure to visit the college and make sure its a good fit, its not for everyone.
Find a college best suited for your child.
My advice to parents and/or students would be to make sure to find and select schools that best fits you?re their criteria. Financially stability for school is one of the main considerations I find important. Parents and students can use me for example; I am financially struggling at my school. My school is expensive and the college tuition is going up every year. Since this is happening all of my paper work is delayed and I am short $975 that has to be paid as soon as possible. Knowing that this is backed up I may have to withdraw from my up coming semester which would delay me of building up my GPA. Also not to mention I will not graduate on time. If I was to get accepted to schools in my state New Jersey, I would have attended there. Since my current school is in Virginia I can not get state aid which help pay for my tuition. So therefore attend college in your state would be great because then you will get state aid and your tuition will be much cheaper.
I would tell other students to find a school that fits their personality. If they are really outgoing and like big crowds then attend a big school. If they are like me though I would tell them to find a small school that allowed them to be seen through all the other students. Smaller schools can also provide more attention for learning disabled or handicapped students. Bigger schools offer better sports programs and can work better for more independent people who do not need as much assistance. I would tell parents to find a school that provides enough services to support their child, in whatever difficulties their child may face. It would also be helpful for parents to be able to meet someone face-to-face that they can talk to again while their child is in schooll
Make sure there is the right number of people for your kid.