Avila University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Avila University know before they start?


First is to RESEARCH, it will be difficult but if you don't find the schools that offer what you're looking for then you'll be no where and if you don't know what you're looking for find the schools that have your interests or hobbies. Second would be to VISIT the schools you are interested in. There's is only so much you can do by recieving mail and looking at it. The only way to know if a school is right for you is to put your own two feet on the campus, its one of the best ways for you to get an acutal understanding of what the school offers and how it's right for you. Third would be to HAVE FUN, the process of searching for colleges is a major pain at times, but having fun while doing it will take away some of the ease. When going through the process tag along friends or family members or both! Everyone you know is curious to know what school you'll be attending. They are just as eager to find out as you are. And once you've finally made your desicion, BREATHE!


Go with your gut. It's usually right.


Visit the college campus and see how it feels. Don't go during the summer. Go while it is packed with students so you can see how they treat you. Make sure you choose based upon things that are tangible, not because of a boyfriend/girlfriend, or a sports team only because if something happens you want to make sure you still want to go to that school.


Get as much information as you can about schools that you or your child is interested in. Figure out what is most important to you when deciding on a university and don't budge on those things because small things sometime you can lilve without but the big and important things are things that should take the priority.


Do what feels right for you. If you don't want to go to a big school and have huge classes don't apply at the enormous state schools even if their financial aid is better. It's better to take out loans to go to a school that will get you the best job and learning experience than it is to go to a school just becuase they gave the most money or it's farthest away from mom and dad. Once in that school, make the best of it. Join activities that interest you and you enjoy. Don't try to join every activity just because you can and overload yourself, there is a school aspect to college.