Baldwin Wallace University Top Questions

Describe the students at Baldwin Wallace University.


Eager to learn.


Everyone there is really smart and somewhat intellectual. Except the PE majors.


My classmates are creative, logical thinkers who love to participate and be involved especially on campus.


They are respectful towards the teachers and other classmates, participate wholeheartedly in class discussions and give well-thought out answers, and because of their attitudes, it makes others want to participate and get really involved in the class also.


My classmates at Baldwin-Wallace College are from diverse backgrounds with as many different interests as there are people. Overall, I would say that my classmates are friendly and personable. As a majority, they are also hard-working at interested in learning what their professors have to teach them.


Very egar to learn and very willing to share their thoughts in group discussions.


My classmates are for the most part intelligent people


friends for life


All of my classmates in the Music Theater department are artistically charged who emit positive engery to everyone they have contact with while being focused and enthusiatic about the program that they are a part of.


very opinionated.