Baldwin Wallace University Top Questions

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Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. The academics is very prestigious. The location is amazing.


It's a great community, especially if you're looking for that small college atmosphere. Berea is a quaint little town, also. The Conservatory is a great place to be involved in. We recently have a renovation plan that's going to be amazing!


The class sizes are very small which allows for an excellent learning experience as compared to bigger schools I had considered attending. At Baldwin-Wallace a sense of community is also established and you really feel apart of the college atmosphere. The other aspect of the college is how everyone is very friendly and you usually become very close friends with a few people that I feel I will be friends with for the rest of my life.


BW felt like home. I love the emphasis on the arts without creating a school full of nothing but Conservatory students. There's a great deal of passion and diversity of thought and personality encouraged here that I did not necessarily find other places.


This college was exactly what I was looking for. It's small enough not to be just a number to the professors, but it's big enough to get a top quality education. I am able to know my professors on a personal basis which is extremely comforting. The campus itself was so inviting when I first visited it, that I knew immediately this was where I belonged.