Baldwin Wallace University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Baldwin Wallace University?


My school makes us take surveys at the end of every semester in regards to our professors. It is frustrating to find out that professors who continuously get bad reports are still teaching.... And then have no choice to take a class from him/her.


The most frustrating thing about BW is the cost of the school, and then to see BW cars driving around campus and feeling like that is what your money has paid for. It was an expensive private school, and something they seem stingy on what they have to offer, or how much they will offer.


It is frustrating to me that in order to keep the scholarships given from Baldwin- Wallace, a student must continue their core classes through their senior year. I feel that they emphasize working through the core classes as quick as possible but not say that if you finish the core curriculum early you will lose your scholarship.


They offer no advice concerning grants or scholarships, only loans.


The tution keeps raising each year, though I understand the economy situation. Even though they give us more money to spend, they up the prices on food, drinks, and materials (books, etc.) so were are still paying the same exact amount as before. They overcrowed the dorms; sometimes I think that just because people pay to live on campus does not mean you "make adjustments" to try and fit everyonein them. Moreover, people who live within the community (5 or so miles away) should commute. I understand that they want the college experience, but others ncould use them room.


Students who should receive heavy disciplinary action often get several second chances to improve their behavior. When students should no longer be allowed to live in campus housing, they are permitted to stay, making it hard on other students who have to put up with their bad behavior. I also don't like that the majority of students here live within an hour of campus.


The Food


Parking and registering for classes.


One of the things that is very frustrating at Baldwin Wallace is a lot of times you don't get into the classes you need for your major until you are an upper classmen. Also there will be classes that are only offered during certain times of the year but they don't state that.


It is so frustrating when there are multiple tests, assignments and papers all due within the same week !