Baptist Bible College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Baptist Bible College know before they start?


Pray about it. Make absolutely sure you are doing what God wants for your life, not just what you want. Otherwise, you'll never be happy.


When choosing a college, you should look at all of your options. Decide what you want to do, what are your interests, what are you looking to do in the future? Which colleges meet all of your needs? Which colleges offer the courses of study that you are intersted in? Choose a school that meets all or most of your needs and desires. Choose a school that you think you'll be happy at! To make the most of your college experience, you should get your work done as soon as possible, so you won't end up pulling an all-nighter the day before it's due! Make time for the things that are importaint to you. Make wise decisions about the people you become friends with and the things you do. Finally, remember that college is not free, don't waste your time, use it wisely. Even if you don't need to work during your first year of school, get a job anyway. Even having a part-time job will help to reduce financial stress later during your college experience!


College is a stepping stone in life. Just like when trying to cross a creek, all the stones will get you across, but some are going to provide a better and firmer hold. The same is with colleges, any college will serve as a stepping stone for the next stage of life, but some will serve you better.


Don't go somewhere just because your friends go there. Find a place and make it your own.


Find one that will challenge you to think for yourself.