If your student is looking for a good pre-med program Barry University is a amazing school. That also goes for if you are looking for a small program where you can expand. Our Psychology Masters program is one of the best in the country. Though other then that you really need to look into your program to see if it suits your student. Barry is a great academic school but campus wise it has a way to go if you are looking for a lot of things to do on your campus Barry might not be a great place to go. Just make sure to take a tour of the school and talk with the students and you will get a pretty acurate desciption of what it is like to be a Barry student.
Make sure that the student has an idea of what is expected of them in school. Make sure that they are not lead on false pretenses that school is so hard and scary that if they don't constantly work hard they will never get anywhere in life. Students must know how to be responsible and know that their life is in their hands when they get to school.
the best way to research about a school is by consulting with students or people that graduate from it
Finding the right college is not an easy task. In order to make the best decision possible for yourself or your children, you must first ask yourself,or them, a few basic questions. First I would ask,"what kind of degree are you seeking?", this will narrow schools down depending on how good they are in directing you to the best path for your future. For example, I applied to many schools and got into about 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of them, but in the end I chose Barry University because its business program is very honorable compared to the other choices, and i am a business major. Next, I would ask, " Are you more of a social person, or an independant person?" This will help dramatically narrow choices because a lot of big, social schools especially ones that have prominent greek life tend to outcast students who are not as active on campus as they are. Barry university has greek life, but a majority of the students are just average students. If your a social outgoing person, a bigger school may be better, If not , then a smaller school. In the end figuring out what kind of person you are will help.
It is very important to visit your school choices, talk to current students who will give you unbiased information about the school you have in mind. It is important to meet potential advisors and take a look at what the curribulum will be for your major, as they may differ school to school. The location and diversity of the campus will be important, since most students do not want to be far from home. The student should network to meet people that will start at the various school(s) around the same time, so that the transition will be easier. Also, making the most out of the resources available to you at the school of your choice will make this exciting time continue to remain that way.
This one goes out to the parents, in order for your child to succeed in finding the right college they will need your support in whatever they decide on doing.
when deciding what college to choose i t hink it is really important to have in mind the majors and careers they offer. how long to complete it, the credits, courses and the degree you would obtain after you are done with the programs. research the academic credentials, any internship opportunities, and specializations. also it is really important the location. if you do not like cold weather then you should probably attend a college in warm cities or where it does not snow. in addition, if you want to stay close to your family and friends then go to a college not to far away from your family and know if they offer on- campus housing. Also, class size, do some research about the average calss size of the college. if you are like me I prefer classes with no more than 30 students. in addition, know if the college you plan to attend have any financial aid, scholarship, grants, or work- study. if you play any sport find out if they give scholarships and grants for playing sports. finally visit the college this way you can decide if you like it or not and obtain more information.
Go with somewhere you will feel comfortable.
The right college isnt always the best college. Find out more about your kids and what there interests are so you can pick the right school and not force the wrong school.
I really think that the best advide in your first year of your studies is to find a balence. Balence between academics, activities, and a social life will really help you get the most out of your expirence. In picking which school is right for every individual the best thing to do is the expirence the campus. Sit in on a lecture, look through all the courses, talk to current students and most important walk around the campus and see if it feels right. Listen to your gut, and you will know what school is right for you. However, the worse thing you could do is pick a school based around other people's wants, needs, and opinions.