Bellarmine University Top Questions

Describe the students at Bellarmine University.


My classmates are all very different but it allows for you to meet a variety of different people. Students at Bellarmine are not just from Kentucky but are from all over the United States. Not only do I have classamtes from America but there are also multiple exchange students from Bellarmine which makes for a very Culturally diverse enviroment. At Bellarmine you meet a variety of people that before you may have never talked too.


My classmates are very commpetitive, but at the same time they want to see their fellow classmates excell.


My classmates are very friendly and I could ask them for help in class if I needed the assistance.


The classes are small so everyone knows each other and is willing to participate in course discussions and everyone values the education they are receiving.


Very interested in learning and excelling in school.


goal oriented, driven and often over achievers


My classmates are fun-loving and entertaining young adults.


Snobby rich kids with too much money and not enough exposure to cross cultural experiences or to the problems facing the rest of the global community.


Extremely fun and diverse.


My classmates are friendly, diverse culturally (not so much ethnically), open minded, and intelligent.