If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to worry about not having any friends once I get to college; everybody's trying to make new friends and we all feel awkward about it. Being involved on campus alone will offer all the opportunities I need to form new bonds with people away from home. I would also tell myself to start using a planner religiously. There are tools I'm going to need in college that I didn't use in high school, such as studying and organizational skills. There's a lot more responsibility required of us in college and with that comes the need to organize everything outside of your memory. And after all that, I would tell myself as a high school senior to have fun! These next four years will be completely different than high school, but they will be an experience no other place can match.
I have only been in college for one semester so far, but I believe that I have already grown as a person. I have learned new facts about many things including myself. Going into my first semester at college, I was incredibly insecure. I thought I wouldn't be able to measure up with all the other students at Bellarmine in the field of academics. I knew that Bellarmine was a very prestigious college and I did not have the confidence in myself that I could do it. Instead of quitting, I began taking everything one step at a time, trying to keep up with my studies. Then I took my first exam and got a B+. It was then that I realized I could get good grades and make it through the semester. I went on to make an A in all of my classes. Now I know that I can do almost anything if I put my mind to it. College has begun to give me the confidence that I never had before, along with a great education.
Attending college is a goal that I have accomplished. Being a first generation student, I did not know what to expect. Financial aid, resident housing and even academics where blind to me. One of the most important lessons that I have learned from my college experience is how to be independent. I come from a single parent in which I am the only child. In this case my mother natured me until time for my depature. Coming to college has improved my indepence. Another thing I have gotten out of my college experience is how to study. During high school, I was the kid who never had to prepare for anything, all of my subjects came natural, but after attending classes at Bellarmine, I quickly learned that studying only improved my abilities. This is been the most valuable time of my life. I have grown up, learned to help dig myself out of a ditch and carry on in difficult times. I thank God each and everyday that I have the support and care from my family to attend a four year university.
The best thing I have gotten out of my college is experience is the opportunities. I feel as if a lot of the world is at my hands, and if I need help it's there and it always will be. I have gotten a support group that can nuture me and push me along my life path. I've also learned many life lessons that will stay with me forever.
Along with getting my education in Business and International studies, I learned how to handle myself in front of a crowd, in a variety of social situations and over come being somewhat introverted. I was able to find out at the end of my undergraduate who I was and what I wanted to do with my life. Bellarmine allowed me to explore many options and find the best fit for me. In this struggling economy, it has been great having a college education to back up my resume. College had taught me to how make the best out of a bad situation and to keep working hard to acheieve the goals I have set for myself.
College gives young adults the chance to find themselves and make the best decisions for their future lives. College to me has given me individuality, new friends, great experiences, and the chance to better myself as I make my way into adulthood. Bellarmine University has helped me shape me into a better person, and will make me into a wonderful teacher. My college experience has been difficult and yet exciting! I have had to make new friends and work very hard on focusing on my classes. Throughout college I have learned to be patient and to not procrastinate. College has taught me to be more outgoing, but to be focused. College is a very important part of a person’s life and everyone should attend. College teaches people to meet new people, go to a new place, and to make you have a better future. Going to college will help you get a great career and along the way having amazing experiences with amazing people you will never forget.
My college experience at Bellarmine University has made me grow into a stronger and more outgoing person. Before college I was a shy person and didn't really pay attention to my grades or focus on my career. After my first few months of college I was a completely different person. I had made friends and I knew how important it was to focus on my future. I make sure that I try my best and get the best grades I can on all of my assignments in the classrooms. My school is small, so if I need to I can always talk to one of my professors. Also at Bellarmine, they let you have hands on experience with your future careers. I am going to be a teacher and every semester I am able to observe in a classroom. This is extremely beneficial to me because it shows me what my career will be like. College is very important for me to attend and I enjoy everyday that I am in the classroom at my school.
I have obtained both strength and tenacity from my college experience, as well as the knowledge that I can overcome any physical or personal challenge or adversity. I'm a single father of five children and have recently been diagnosed with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, although there's no cure for the disease, being successful in my college courses keeps my spirits and outlook on my prognosis positive. I believe it's my duty as a student, father, and mentor to achieve academic greatness; this is my second consecutive semester being on the Dean's List with a cumulative grade-point-average 3.68.
I'm a firm believer that it's both imperative and valuable to attend college. College affords the opportunity of self-discovery and understanding of other people. College provides a platform of mutual respect and conducive learning. Personally, college has allowed me to showcase my skills and abilities in a way I didn't know possible. My college experience has been invaluable and has allowed me to be an overall better and well-rounded person.
My college experience has been unbelieveable. I have been able to balance have a social life, study abroad in Italy, be in a sorority, and graduate college in four years with this institution. I will be attending Bellarmine University's nursing school because my current university, Indiana University Bloomington, has given me the resources I need to succeed in life. I cannot imagine I would be the same person having not attended Indiana University. I have become my own person through the ability to express myself on such an open and accepting campus. The diversity on campus and amazing professors has made my college experience a unique one. I have been taught my professors who are famous in the academic world, discovered things and are credited professionally. Indiana University is a hidden gem in the Midwest, offering more than people would realize. I can honestly say I have come out of college having learned and grown much more than I ever thought I would.
As a first generation student, college is a place that I have always wanted to attend. Since enrolling at Bellarmine University, I have encountered many experiences. First and foremost, I have learned how to be independent. Being the only child, life was always made simple for me. Secondly, from my college experience, I have learned to come out of my shell. Coming from a public school with only 92 students, I was afraid, but since then I have learned to open up and make friends. Finally, attending college has been extremely valuable to me. I have overcome obstacles that I would have never expected. Also, being at college has helped me build a better relationship with my parents. I have come to realization that I can do whatever I set my mind to and to not let anyone bring me down.