Bellevue College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bellevue College know before they start?


Jeff, it is imperative to have a clear set of standards, goals and values as you proceed onto your next phase of your life. In college, there will be many different opportunities as well distractions. Your attendance in class may not be required but you are still required to keep up with the courses on your own and finish your projects on a timely basis. Additionally, there will be students from a variety of backgrounds and cultures that you may not be accustomed to. It is vital that you learn now to be able to work well with others regardless of their appearances or backgrounds. This type of respect for others will help you as you move behind college into the work field. Having a clear set of values will also keep you focused as you will have greater freedom in college than high school and that freedom combined with your classmates' freedom can create new lifelong friendships but it can also distract you from your own academic or professional goals especially if your classmates' goals conflict with yours. Take each experience in its fullness and learn from it and it will greatly assist you in your future endeavors.


You need to work and study hard in school. Manage your time wisely and do not procrastinate for it would be very difficult to catch up later on. If you need help with something or just don't understand something do not be afraid to ask, whether it is a teacher or students. Stay focus with your school work and always do your best.


I would take some time off right after high school to figure out what I would like to get my degree in.


Few years ago, I was accepted to University of Law in Bosnia. Did not take that seriously and drop from school. Only important think, about that time, were parties. Everything was about having a fun. I am back to school now and very successful. However, I am doing everything opposite than what I used to do. If I could give myself advices then I would not leave my homework for last minute or skip doing it. In addition, skipping classes is not god idea. Many important things are learned and discussed throughout classes. Furthermore, I would put school as a priority than parties. There will be plenty of time for parties :) . It is important to get enough of sleep. If I was not tired, I would be able to concentrate during a class. Also, I would avoid falling a sleep and felling uncomfortable about that. If I knew all of this then, what I know now? I would have my carrier built. What about my life??? ...


Be ready for a challenge. Try your best in everything you do and never slack off. Stay on track with the class and the assigments, because its almost impossible to catch up later. Think positive and do not procrastinate. A good idea would be to review some of the material that has been covered in high school, because it will be very helpful in college. Do not be afraid to ask for help.


Hit the books and hit them hard to prepare yourself for the masters degree you need to have a job you love to go to daily and if I don't like it I will be able to find a differnt one that I enjoy.


You?ve tried to convince yourself that education doesn?t matter - you can be successful without getting a degree. You don?t really think that; you just fear you can?t pay for it. The truth is that you can; in fact, some places will even pay you. There are scholarships available for students. Don?t wait until you?re 40 and you?ve realized that you could have struggled less in life if you got your degree earlier. Talk to your advisor. It will be much easier to finish your degree now before life gets complicated. Yes, having children of your own is wonderful, but you will be able to do more things with them if you complete college before hand. Find a way to achieve your educational dream first ? don?t abandon it over something as ridiculous as money. Then, you will have the gift of time to share with your future family ? instead of saying, ?Sorry I can?t play right now ? mommy has to study.? Those sweet angel eyes won?t understand why you don?t have time for them, and you will never forget how it tugged your heart strings to see them cry.


dont depend on 1 particular aspect of learning, the more you know, the more youll have a chance at any job. the key is to broaden your horizon whether it be one thing, another thing, or a third thing thats completely different. in short, knowledge is power, the more you know, the further you'll get ahead in life. dont depend on just your music, but go to school and learn things, pay them off asap, establish good credit by paying off the schools and education on time and you'll kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


I would tell myself not to worry so much. I was so stressed out that college would be so much harder and I thought that I would never get all my work done. I would tell myself to just be chill and enjoy my senior year because one, I will never get it back, and two, there is nothing to be worried about.


If I could go back and speak with myself as senior I would tell myself that there is no rush to finish college. Despite what has been impressed upon me my whole life, you don?t have to go right from high school knowing what you want to be, finish a four-year degree and get a job. I would tell myself its okay to not have all the answers right away and not know exactly what you want to be. I think its more important to really figure out what you want in life and a break from school with some work experience may be just what you need. I would also tell myself that you need more than the dream of going to a four-year school to succeed. You need motivation, determination and ambition to make it at a university.