Benedict College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Benedict College know before they start?


Self you are soon to enter the real world and choices you make from here on out will have a great impact on your future. Make decisions based on who you are and where you see your goal career. Make your college experience 85{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} study, 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} social, and 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} leisure time in order to be as successful as you would like. Stay determined, motivated, and open-minded.


I would tell myself that there are a hundred ways to fail in college and only one true path to success. The only way to succeed is to put in the time and effort into each course. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that the adage, “you only get what you put in,” is the best way to navigate towards success. I would ask myself to look at what really matters, and to question what goals are really important. I know the time I’ve spent chasing different ambitions would have been better spent working through school to take me the places I have wanted to go. It has taken me a long time to realize these things, and if I could give myself the advice I needed I would sum it up with a single phrase: diligence is the only tool to building a better future.


Stay Focused ! College is no joke, and it is nothing to be taken lightly. Use your time wisely, and study first, play later. College is and can be as great as people say, if you go into it with a positive attitude and the right mindset. Time management is key, and will play the biggest role in whether or not you're able to particpate in extra-curricular activities. Try to remember at all times the reason why you are in school, which is to ultimately obtain your degree.


When I first began college in 2009, I came in with the mentality to go through school without putting in too much effort into anything. As a first semester junior, with the grace of earning additional credits, I am growing with a very intense mindset to see change and having a positive attitude towards my classes, organizations, and volunteering. The most important thing that I am receiving from Benedict College is the love and care from professors of different backgrounds. Although their uprisings may have been different, the professors all have in mind that it is important to have more successful college graduates become all that they ought to be. I am recognizing that this generation is far creative and experienced that we all would be great leaders and play a huge role into today's society. I speak for all when I say we truly thank the Tigers for their support to all students who take interest at Benedict, who is already enrolled, and to all graduates. [RPC Fault faultString="HTTP request error" faultCode="Server.Error.Request" faultDetail="Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL:"]


I am a 27 year old single mother with a 1 year old son. I recently moved to California to attend college and provide a better life for my child. I am currently attending Charter College and I am working on my Associates Degree in Medical Office Adminstration concentrating in Medical Assisting. I have recieved Dean's List honors every semester for perfect attendance and maintaining a 4.0-3.97 G.P.A. Attending college has been valueable to me because it shows my son that no matter what struggles you have in life and no matter how hard it is you can attend college and get good grades. I will be the first person in my family to recieve a college degree. Since begining college I have also had the oppurtunity to volunteer at a local hospital working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with premature babies. I have always wanted to be a nurse and work with babies and if it wasn't for attending college I would never had had the chance to fullfill my dreams.


What I learned the most about my college experience is that even though I attend an HBCU, I still experience the diversity of any other school. I learned that there are still people with very different opinions then my own and they should have the opportunity and respect to speak their minds. This is most valuable because when I get started in my career I will need to be able that my way isn't always right and there are other ways of doing things. I will need to respect others opinions and their ideas.


When i was applying for schools i gave up because i was not accepted to any of the other colleges. when i heard about benedict and read their motto i got excited and i was accepted . Since then i have been involed with school activites and i have an high GPA. i now have the confindence that i will be a great teacher in the future and i will be succesful in life no matter what. it is very important to attend college not just for the experiance but for the networking that will come in handy in the future and also to learn about other cultures. Being apart of benedict i know that we are a power for good in our society.


My college experience has been great. You have freedom to do what you want to do. But sometimes that freedom leads you to bad experiences. Thats why you have to learn how to use your time wisely. It is very valuable attending college. It makes me know that im finally going to be someone in life, someone I always wished to be. Thats why i am not taking a chance and nothing for granted. And i am going to show my family and everyone else that its always possible to reach for something you always wanted to reach. Never say never its always possible.


As a non traditional student, I gained a college experience. I was able to get my grades to the level I wanted with the academic success team there for when I need them. I was able to join the school of honors and was able to complete an internship with a nationally known group. I was able to meet people from across the globe, while co founding an academic orgainzation on campus with some of my best friends in my major. Some my favorite times at Benedict was when I was able to see my advisor and professors for advice one on one. If I needed help with an assignment or had a personal problem, they were there with words of encouragement and asssitance. I enjoyed working with the pep club when I entered a pageant they sponsored and how all the contestants pulled together to make it happen. One of the best times at Benedict was also the annual day of service,, where I was team captain. My group visited a nursing home to play games with the elderly, share stories and snacks. At the end of the day, all the groups that volunteered shared their experiences.


I have learned that you have to work hard for what you want in life, that no one is going to give you anything. I have met people who want some of the same things that I want and some that want different thing in life. If I want to be a good nurse, I am going to have to work hard. It has made me appreciate going to school and getting a good education.