Benedict College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Benedict College know before they start?


Apply for college your junior year in high and make sure that the student know what he/she wants to major in. Also make sure they apply for scholarships while still in high school.


when trying to find the right college I would consider that you always do your research on the campus life and the school its self ypou don't want to get locked in to some place where you wont be happy


Learn how to manage your time wisely while you're in school.


The advice that I would give parents first is please, please, please prepare your child by telling them the perks of not having them around, being responsible on their own, and making the right choices. Their is always a possibility that your child might make a mistake or be push because of peer pressure on doing something out of their character but on preparing them will give them least pressures on campus life. Another advice would be on finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is looking into the distance of the school and what that college could offer your child. You would want the best for your child and want your child to have the best college years he/she will have. For the students that is finding the right college make sure you visit the college/university first don't go by how the brochure might look go look for yourself. Also be sure to choose a college area you will be comfortable in and know your way around it. College will be the best years of your life on peparing you for the real world. Make the right choice.


I believe that a student should go to a college that fits there personal needs along with there wants. For instance dont just got to a college because all of your friends are going there and don't just go to one because you hear that they have the best parties. You should got to a college that will help you better yourself in the future, by providing you with help to persue your dreams and not everyone else dreams. Also when choosing a college don't choose ones that you hear the most about with the most things going on if you are looking for a smaller student professor ratio. Yes they are good schools but if your not ready for a larger class room setting those schools want be best for you. Finally the key to finding the perfect college for you is to do research.


i would say to let the student pick the college because the student would feel that the parent would focus more on the aspects of the college instead of the learning environment of the students decision. Slos i would say that college is very important and that some parents should enjoy the thought of the student trying to go somewhere is life and not doing anything harmful to anyone or anywhere. I would also say that college is a key to excellence and should be pursued.


Start the hunt for the right college money. The college that offers the most money isn't always the best college. Make sure you visit the campus and take tours and get to know as much about the school before enrolling.


I would tell parents and/or students that when picking a college make sure the college is for them. As well as academics and how the college life is. Also how the faculty ratio is to students and that college is big difference than high school. For students I would also tell them that don't just pick a school because most of your friends are going there but choose wisely about what school you choose because they have to go to that institution and not there friends or there parents.


I would tell a parent are a student to spend a day on campus walk around too class and take notes off your likes and disslikes.


i think u should always select at least three colleges of your choice, u should visit try to all three but definitely the one u select as your first preference, to see the living conditions, check out security and eating conditions also go to the financial aid office and definitely find out about your financial aid situation. Ask about your classes, whats expected of you as far as how many credits your first semister. Find out if your are eligible for any scholarships. And any work study programs they may have. If your parents can pay for your college titution with their eyes close then just pick the school of your choice that offers your major and go for it. but if your like me you look for a school that will back you academically and financially and stick nose to the grind stone and work hard at it.