If I could go back in time and give advice to myself to prepare me for college it would be to start to develop study habits because once you get to college mom and dad aren't going to be there to tell you that you need to study for this or you need to read that. I think that as a high school senior you just need to develop self-discipline, because in college there is so much freedom that you could easily fall behind in your studies and it takes that discipline to sit down and study for your classes and to actually go to class. Also, I would tell myself that everything is going to be okay and that just because you are leaving high school it doesn't mean that you are going to lose all your old friends, it just simply means that you are going to be making more. I think as a senior I thought college would be a terrifying experience, but now I think about it and it is just another stepping stone that is helping me get to where I want to be in life.
For me, personally, I would tell myself to not expect perfection for anything that is to come in my college years. Things will be messy. No matter how much you care, not matter how precise your preparations are for each day, there will always be that one time that your alarm clock just does not go off and you miss an important class. The most important thing is not to lose your head when things like this happen. Just keep moving forward and working harder than you ever thought you would need to.
It is important to note also that having friends may be the one thing that helps keep you sane in the years to come. When you miss your family back home, they will be there for you. When you need someone to help you study for the big exam coming up, they will offer you chocolate along with words of encouragement. Do not underestimate the power of having a few close friends, and try to be a good friend yourself. This will bring you more satisfaction than being the best student, or earning an exemplary grade on a difficult test.
Dear Jeni,
You have no idea what is ahead of you. You have an entire world out there and you have so much life to live! You are having the time of your life, being in high school and participating in debate and government. Once you get to college, you will not be doing any of that. Remember those skills you are learning and use them when you get to college! I know choosing a college is hard, and you made the right choice by going with your heart. God has in store huge plans for you and you need to trust him that he is sending you on the right path.
When you get to college, please do not sit in your room and eat your rice. Go out and meet people! If your roommate does not work out, move! Do not settle for anything, you are the best and you deserve the best. Remember to get involved with everything! You will stressed out at times but the life lessons you are learning are worth it. You are going to be given the best education, so embrace it and always remember to find time to laugh!
I would first tell myself to try to get my final grades up as high as I can because it could make a big difference in how much help you get with scholorships from the school you pick. Then I would say how important it is to stay who you are and keep your values strong no matter what everyone else says or does. You should be open to everyone and try to talk the them and meet them. You will make a lot of new, good friends and some people you will realize aren't so good to hang around. I would say just be yourself and don't worry about trying to impress people or act different to get them to like you. Eventually you will fall into place with the people that you get along with. It's important to make friends and get along with people in your classes. This way you can do homework and study with them. This will be a big help with keeping up in youir classes and keeping good grades. Also it's very important to make time for your family and friends no matter how busy you think you are.
For me it would be living at home and going to the University of Cincinnati. I would have saved myself money by staying home but would not have meet the people I did or gained the life experiences i did going away to school and living on my own. I would have told myself it's okay not to know what i want to do with the rest of my life and its okay to explore different options and descisions. I wouldn't have changed my experiences or knowledge that I gained but i would have liked have given the local colleges a better look at then just blowing them off because i wanted to leave home and go away when the best school for me was right here in my hometown.
If I could go back in time, to when I was a Senior in High School and talk to myself about the college life, and making the transition to the college life, I would tell myself to learn more about study habbits and learn ways to practice good study habbits. I would tell myself to learn more about study habbits because once you get to college you need to learn how to study efficiently and effectively. In High School I didnt have to develope very well study habbits because I was able to not study and get by with good grades. Unfortunately this isn't the way it works in college. I would of told myself that I need to learn better ways to study now, so that way the transition to the college life and getting a college education would be a lot smoother. Also, learning better study habbits would also help me with better time management. Clearly, if I could go back in time and give myself advice as a High School Senior, I would go back in time and tell myself to start practicing good study habbits.
It is important to be yourself, in every matter. Some people may not like you; it happens, and it will likely to continue to happen throughout your life. Remember that you are a strong individual and that you can do anything when you put your mind to it. Values will always ground you and keep you from falling too hard, and when you do fall, get back up and tend to your scrapes. Do your homework; you'll learn so much more when you do than when you don't. Furthermore, you're paying too much to go to school simply to party and skip class. Don't hide behind your book in class. Use your words, and speak your mind, you have so many riveting insights that other students, and maybe even your professors, might not think of. Music lessons aren't as bad as you think they are, and the cafeteria food is relatively safe to eat. You can shine there, if you'll let yourself.
Growing up in England, the importance of God in my life was not installed into me. Unfortunately God doesn't seem to play a big part in many peoples life's in England. When I was a senior in High School, My family was having issues and I was in no place to accept God into my life. During my second semester, a friend of mine started talking to me about god more and more. I was interested; she was the happiest person I knew. One Sunday she asked me to go to church with her. She got even happier when I accepted. The church was an incredible experience and I carried on attending. I guess God had been talking to me through her because two months later I accepted God as my Lord and Savior. If I could go back and speak to myself as a High School senior, I would say 'Go introduce yourself to this girl as soon as you get to Bethany and ask her about God'. Little would this high school senior version of me know? This girl, from a small town in the middle of Kansas is going to help change my life forever!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would tell myself three simples rules to live by. First, I would encourage me to be myself. College can present many oppertunities to "be cool" and fit in, but in the end it's not worth the effort. Second, I would make sure to empart the necessity of good study skills. Studying not only makes or breaks one's grade, but also helps us become better informed in the field that we hope to work in one day. Last, I would tell myself to have fun. College is a time to study, meet new people, and grow up! While at times I wish I could go back in highschool and give myself advice for my college years, I know that I wouldn't have changed a thing!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as if I was in highschool i would tell myself that there are some people that are really just about themselves and that not everyone is trustable. I would also tell myself that college is a great experience and the new freedom is amazing. However, with the freedom you have to learn be responsible with it. I would emphasize that prioritizing your time is crucial to getting good grades in your classes. It seems like you have so much time to get everything done but it is hard to make studies come before friends which is why you have to make a point in the beginning to be determained. Lastly, I would tell myself to hang out with people you have fun with and that you share similar interests with, never jeopordize yourself, and just enjoy college. As a result you will have lifelong memories and friendships. These are going to be the best years of your life so live it to the fullest.