Bethany College-Lindsborg Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bethany College-Lindsborg know before they start?


I have to admit that being able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior would be pretty amazing. However, I wouldn't have much to say. I feel like I was well prepared for college and I am succeeding. Though, I think if I could tell myself something it would be to first start packing now! Then, I would tell myself to start opening myself up more and becoming more approachable and friendly. I would definitely make myself apply for more scholarships, considering I would be deciding to attend a private school. Last I would tell myself to take my time learning and really absorb the knowledge in school. Everything you learn from high school and from your past will help you in college, and I wish I would have known that everything I went through in high school was for a reason and led me somewhere.


Sevven, Freedom is a big thing to think about on your way out. You haven't had much, you have to be able to handle it. No one will make you do your homework and in college it's harder to convince your teachers to let you make it up. You'll meet so many new people, but you still need to choose carefully. At a school as small as Bethany it's very easy for people to know what you're doing and people you haven't even met will know you as "the girl who..." There are no clearly defined boundaries now. Mom and Dad won't step in to help you out of trouble and they aren't going to pay for anything. Save your money. That will be your biggest regret. And keep an eye on rentals in town. You're going to need a house for that baby you have at the end of your sophomore year. Sevven


Here I am just finishing my first semester of college and surprise, surprise; it wasn't as hard as you'd think.! However if I had been smart about certain things in high school, it may have turned out even easier, so here is what I would tell my high school self. First, take every opportunity you are presented with! Don't just sit back and do the bare minimum. If I had just taken one more AP class or took private voice lessons, the transition into college would have gone a lot smoother. Second, don't over analyze the little things. It really doesn't matter if you get the cool wall decorations or the purple trash can, as longs as it works anything is fine. Finally, have fun with your friends because no matter what you will miss them, so take every moment as a gift and make sure you take pictures!


If I could go back in time as a high school senior, I would tell myself to go to a junior college to finish my general education classes. I would also like to tell myself on what major that I would like to decide on. I know that as a high school student, it is often very confusing to choose out of a variety of professional fields. I would tell myself to focus on general education classes instead of putting my academic expenses on classes that I know I will not need. I would also like to tell myself that school is really important and time is valuable when it comes to succeeding in what I want to be. I would like to tell myself what I'm majoring in right now and what classes I should be taking for the future, which is now the present. I would like to emphasize telling myself how valuable time is and that spending more time on schoolwork is more crucial than that of spending time with friends. I would have liked to set a priory list for myself and that would have opened up my eyes to what I wanted to be.


Hey you, I would just like you to know for the future that you need to get your stuff done as early as you can. Or you will catch yourself slipping.


I think that finding the right college is crutical to making the most out of college. Getting involved on campus is also important.


Tak your time, do not choose your first choice, and make sure you check at least 5 to 10 colleges. Good Luck!!


There are a lot of different factors in choosing a college. You need to know what you are interested in, and if you do not know yet, then you need to find a school that does not have strict major guidelines to be able to graduate in time. Take an inventory of your interests and find schools that can cater to those. If you come from a small town and do not wish to be just a name, then you can find a small school that has the facilites you need. Do not let anyone choose your college for you; otherwise you will probably be very unhappy. Also orientation may seem useless, but you will build friendships that will stay with you throughout your life.


In my opinion, do whatever you can to find the right college that will suit the student . Finding a college where you can be a happy and make friends can make all the difference instead of forcing them into one. I am personally am willing to do anything to get my college degree. i want to be the first in my family to do so and I am not giving up. My financial situation is my only barrier and I feel like that should not be the factor because my heart is in too much and money should not stop me.


Encourage your student to become involved in as many activities as possible without letting the activities interfere with academics. Parents should plan on keeping in decent touch with their student withou smothering them. College is a new and exciting experience. Make the best of it.