Biola University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


My school is best known for incorporating a biblical understanding into academic learning. We are also known for having a great community that is rich in traditions and building life long friendships.


Being a private Christian school, it is known to be ranked pretty high among all other schools, since Christian schools tend to have a lower reputation for academics. It is also the Christian school that requires the most amount of Bible courses for all students (30 units) which is essentially a minor in Biblical studies.


My school is know for being one of the top Christian Universities in the Nation


Biola University is best known for its wonderful reputation of caring and loving students who study the Bible and lead Godly lives


We are best known for our integration as a liberal arts school as well as a Bible college. We are not only learning from professors who are well known in their fields however we are gaining the tools necessary for developing our own individual worldviews that will aid us in becoming positive world changers.


Talbot School of THeology Rosmead School of Psychology Jesus Mural


Being Christian and having good bible education


Evangelical theological and philosophical education.


Probably our firm commitment to the Bible in a conservative, but radical way. Our graduate schools in Business and Psychology, our nursing program, and our conservatory are top-notch and are often selected by people who didn't receive their undergraduate degree here.