Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Describe how Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania looks to someone who's never seen it.


comforting place with an outstanding community


My school was a challenge. I had to juggle school and two jobs inorder to get through my first year. I was 4 hours away from home in a new state with no transportation. The only time I saw my family was on major holidays, while my roommates saw theirs every weekend. Along with going to school, I had to pay for school. But I didn't let the challenge stop me. I worked, studied, and participated in every activity I could to get through it. In the end it made me a better person.


Bloomsburg is not to big or to small, but it's just the right size for me.


Bloomsburg is not a large school, but they offer a lot in the academic and social aspects of college. However, it is known as a party school so if you cannot balance a social life and your academics, you may have a hard time.


They provide so many opportunites to learn and grow, if cannot find a place to feel comfortable and make friends then you must just be sitting in your room all day.


Bloomsburg University makes me feel at home with it's comforting atmosphere and the people residing there are very congenial.


Socially and ethic behind when it comes to other shools.


Bloomsburg is a beautiful campus, full of friendly people.


bloomsburg is a fun school to go to,there are alot of activities that you can be apart of and you can be actively involved with student life and still be able to maintain good grades .


It is a fun school where I learned a lot and met great friends.