About Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Founded in 1839, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. is a Public college. Located in Pennsylvania, which is a city setting in Pennsylvania, the campus itself is Urban. The campus is home to 8,974 full time undergraduate students, and 663 full time graduate students.

The Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Academic calendar runs on a Semester basis. In the school year the student to faculty ratio was 20:1. There are 416 full time instructional teachers. Degrees awarded at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania include: Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, Post-master's certificate, Doctor's degree.

Quick Facts

Acceptance Rate77%
Application Deadline
Application Fee35
SAT Range870-1070
ACT Range18-23

Admissions at BU are considered Less Selective, with ,44% of all applicants being admitted.

In the school year, of the students who applied to the school, only 20 of those who were admitted eventually ended up enrolling.

71% of incoming freshmen are in the top half of their high school class. 30% were in the top quarter, and 8% were in the top tenth. You can apply online.


We asked, and students answered these important questions about student life at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.

“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
“We”re not into drinking at all”
“Maybe a little, but it”s not a big thing”
“We only party on weekends”
“There”s some drinking happening every night”
“Never, we”re here to learn”
“There might be people who do”
“People are known to partake on weekends”
“There”s a huge drug scene”
“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
“We”re not into drinking at all”
“Maybe a little, but it”s not a big thing”
“We only party on weekends”
“There”s some drinking happening every night”
“Never, we”re here to learn”
“There might be people who do”
“People are known to partake on weekends”
“There”s a huge drug scene”
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  • How would you rate on-campus housing?

    119 Students rated on-campus housing 3.8 stars. 18 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate off-campus housing?

    89 Students rated off-campus housing 3.7 stars. 0 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus food?

    125 Students rated campus food 3.6 stars. 20 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus facilities?

    125 Students rated campus facilities 4.3 stars. 44 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate class size?

    124 Students rated class size 4.1 stars. 40 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate school activities?

    125 Students rated school activities 4 stars. 35 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate local services?

    127 Students rated local services 4.1 stars. 40 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate academics?

    125 Students rated academics 4.1 stars. 41 % gave the school a 5.0.

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania REVIEWS

What's your overall opinion of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania?

60 Students rated Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Tajh - 01/07/2025

As a first year student athlete studying Cellular Biology I enjoy BU! From what I've picked up on there are many opportunities to get involved, such as student government, NCAA Division 2 sports and intramural sports, along with many clubs and groups that operate on campus. There are also always attractions on campus especially during warm weather days. Night life is also another aspect of the college if that's something that you're interested in, along with this there is a large Greek life scene with over 10 fraternities and sororities.

Elijiah - 11/10/2024

Like a lot of schools, it is a great school. I definitely think the world is in a different place than it was 10 years ago, but that’s no excuse. Some of us make decisions without thinking and it is what it is… to them. To an outsider who see’s it, it’s disgusting. There are great people at this university, but there are also a lot of people that aren’t so nice, and genuinely only think for themselves & what makes them feel good. All of the academic programs are amazing. Personally, it was the culture. Partying, drinking & some drug activity (not a lot). And if I wasn’t that, or did that, I’m no one. But what’s the point? Sure, college you have freedom and you join fraternity’s and sorority’s, it’s part of the college lifestyle. But let’s not forget we’re here to be the next leaders of this world. If you waste your four years prioritizing things that are detrimental for your health, you aren’t going to be ready at all no matter how fine you think you’ll be. There is always an equal opposite, your choices have a consequence. It CAN be a good consequence, lets not forget that. But if you choose to do bad, you might not see it YET, the consequences will come. That’s for everyone, and in every realm of life. Jobs, friends, family, relationships, sports, events. Every day we make a choice, and that choice can either make us 1% better to get to where we want to be, or 1% worse, negative to where we want to go. The only “feeling” I got that from was from nursing, and childhood education majors. Because they don’t have time for chaos, it’s a very hard career to get into, not to mention those careers are expensive. They have a ton of workload and all I hear is them say “I’m stressing”, or “I don’t know how I’m going to do this”, and I’m there to be a motivating factor, and I see they work harder and they talk differently about themselves. It’s a matter of having each others back, because the adjustment, academically, geographically, internally in the mind, it is really hard. I didn’t feel that at Bloomsburg. A couple of my nursing friends were there to just talk, be there for each other and motivate each other. But other than that I wasn’t able to connect with anyone simply because they didn’t want to. I want to be at a place where I feel safe, can get some sleep, am able to ask questions and receive an actual honest answer, where everyone is kind to one another because everyone is watching, even God is. By all means go here for the education, but don’t expect sunshine and rainbows, it’s a bit cruel and nobody actually cares, only very few. I hope this helps anyone in the mix of finding their college home. Good luck, and God Bless.

Amy - 05/09/2024

Beautiful college nestled in the mountains of pa there are many different types f of food choices on and off campus, the dorm choices range from a typical freshman dorm room to a typical apt that has one bathroom per two students, they come completely furnished

Alexus - 03/10/2024

I love my program for Bloomsburg. I think I have learned a lot in my past 3 years of attending and I am almost at student teaching. I have had a lot of support from staff and friends I have made and am glad to be able to experience learning in an environment that I feel safe in.

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania FAQS

  1. What is the Acceptance Rate at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania?

    The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania is 77%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.

  2. What should every freshman at your school know before they start?

    If I could go back in time and have a conversation with myself at the time of a high school senior I would tell myself to be open minded and relaxed. Now that I've experienced almost two years of college, I realized it's more exciting and rewarding than it is scary and overwhelming. My advice would be to never be afraid to speak up, whether it be in class, around faculty and staff, or even on campus with other students. Everyone on campus is most likey feeling similar to what you feel, whether they're good or bad feelings. It's always helpful to make a friend to talk or even study with. I would say to do what's right for you and no one else. Also, this is your future and do your best with what comes your way.

    Read all 128 answers
  3. Describe the students at your school.

    All the students on, whether my classmates or not, seem friendly and approachable.

    Read all 29 answers
  4. Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.

    Bloomsburg is not a large school, but they offer a lot in the academic and social aspects of college. However, it is known as a party school so if you cannot balance a social life and your academics, you may have a hard time.

    Read all 26 answers
  5. Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!

    The location and the campus. The campus is beautiful and different and the location is secluded but you still have access to everything you need.

    Read all 25 answers
  6. What's unique about your campus?

    The best thing about Bloomsburg is the campus layout. It's very scenic and has beautiful views and so many places where you can just sit out when it's nice out and study. Plenty of space to throw the occasional frisbee or football. The campus layout has each building near one another so you are not out of breath when walking from one class to another. It's one of the best i've seen in the area.

    Read all 22 answers
  7. What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?

    For the most part, I truely enjoy Bloomsburg University; however I can think of one thing that I found very irritating. The worst thing about my school is the lack of maintenance during the winter. The roads are never plowed and the sidewalks are never shoveled. Walking around campus becomes a hazard when there is a snow on the ground.

    Read all 22 answers
  8. What's the most frustrating thing about your school?

    The cost of books are somewhat outrageous. I get frustrated when I think of housing situations and who to live with and where to live. The parking lot were freshman and sophomores have to park their car is in a far location which is sometimes troublesome.

    Read all 22 answers
  9. What kind of person should attend this school?

    Upon my experience, I have met a variety of people who attend Bloomsburg University. To narrow down and say a certain type of person should attend this school is absurd. Of course a student should attend if this University has their major. But as long as the person is willing to learn and take advantage of everything that Bloomsburg has to offer than that person will succeed and enjoy this University. There are many people of nationalities, religious views, political views, and sexualities, which combined, make this University a great University. Any person can attend this college.

    Read all 21 answers
  10. What kind of person should not attend this school?

    Someone who is not open to new experiences should not attend Bloomsburg.

    Read all 20 answers
  11. Describe your favorite campus traditions.

    Bloomsburg is best known for it's block party that it has every year. Thats right, my school is known for a hugh drinking party. Its something that we shouldnt be too proud of but we still are because people know us for some reason. I've been told this is because of playboy magizine having an article about it.

    Read all 19 answers
  12. What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?

    Before coming to school I wish i had known how much aid other colleges and Universities award based on SATS and high school grades/gpa. My SATS were very good as was my high school gpa, however Bloomsburg awards nothing. I wish I had known more about what to search for when looking at tuition and aid. I could have had a lot going for me.

    Read all 19 answers
  13. What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?

    That it is full of great people and there are always things to do. I tell them that the teachers are great, and the location of the school is perfect.

    Read all 17 answers
  14. What are the academics like at your school?

    The most important part of any college experience most certainly is the academics. At Bloomsburg University I feel that I am being challenged in a way that helps to promote my growth as both a student and writer. The classes at Bloomsburg vary from being lecture halls to more personal classes. General education classes are typically more crowded with students while content oriented classes are more personal. For an English secondary education major like myself I take classes that are both content heavy and general. My English classes are smaller, more personal, and interactive. Students get the chance to voice their opinions and take part in class discussions. One of the nicest things to exhibit in these classrooms though, is the enthusiasm students have towards what they are learning. Often times students can be seen out on campus engaging in conversations that were previously held in class. I knew I wanted to become a secondary education english teacher from about the time I started high school. Seeing the enthusiasm my teachers had for their subjects was something that fostered my own interest. At Bloomsburg University the professors are similarly invested. They are interested in helping students develop their own sense of self not only as students but also as professionals in the fields they study. One of my favorite classes i’ve taken so far would have to be my Non-western Lit class. Learning about the middle east and literature was something both interesting and inspiring for me given that my background is Turkish. I found myself immersed in our readings and was able to share my ideas and opinions both in and out of class with one of my favorite professors. If I were to rate Bloomsburg’s academic requirements on a grade letter scale, I would say it stands in the area between the B and C range. To be accepted to Bloomsburg you don’t need to be an A+ student but you do need to show that you are dedicated and hard-working . Most admissions personnel will most likely search for consistency to prove that you are a student who can handle the pressures that come along with academic success. Also, its important that test scores on the SAT’s are reflective of a student who is sufficient in all academic areas and maybe even above-average in some other . On my SAT’S though I scored low on math, my english and reading score made up for those lower areas. That being said, Bloomsburg is a University that is dedicated towards their student’s academic success in order to help prepare them for future job opportunities in the fields they are applying for.

    Read all 3 answers
  15. What is your overall opinion of this school?

    I think Bloomsburg University is a wonderful school. I am having an experience of a lifetime here and I couldn't have picked a better university.

    Read all 3 answers
  16. What are the most popular student activities/groups?

    Read all 2 answers

Student Body







Total Undergrad Enrollment


Total Grad Students









Student Organizations







On-Campus Housing


of students living on campus

Student Diversity

% American Indian/Alaskan Native
% Asian/Pacific Islander
% Black or African-American
% Hispanic/Latino
% White or Caucasian


All students must apply yearly for financial aid. This process starts with the FAFSA. Though financial aid deadlines vary by school, it is a good idea to apply as soon as possible. For the upcoming school year, you can apply as early as October 1 for the FAFSA. Additional school aid will be dependent on the FAFSA results.

86% of students attending Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania receive some sort of financial aid. 33% were awarded federal grants.76%received federal loans. Many students do also need to apply for additional private student loans.

Cost Out of State


Tuition and fees(Out of state)


Books and Supplies


Room and Board


Total On Campus

Actual Cost By Income Level(W/Financial Aid)

Family Income
$0 - $30K
$30 - $48K
$48 - $75K
$75 - $110K
$110K & UP

We use student reviews and the most current publicly available data on our school pages. As such, we don't typically remove or edit college information. Sources for school statistics and data include the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Portions of college data include copyrighted material, which is reproduced on this website by permission of Wintergreen Orchard House, a division of Carnegie Communications. © 2009-2016 by Wintergreen Orchard House. All rights reserved.


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