Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would probably tell myself a few things about college. I would tell myself that I needed to work harder and focus more on my school work. I would also tell myself that I need to not procrastinate and that I should make a schedule of everything that I need to do and when they are all due. I would also tell myself to be more organized and to come up with a system of how to organize all of my homework. I would also tell myself that I need to have a system of how to organize all of my clothes and things in my room. I would warn myself that in college there will be peer pressure and to not give into it. I would also warn myself that the transition is hard but that I could get through it. I would tell myself to try the best I could, not procrastinate, and enjoy the college experience.


Knowing what I know now as a college freshman, I would most definietly go back and give myself advice prior to arriving here in August expecting the unknown. I would have first told myself to room with a random. I went into college planning to dorm with someone I knew from back home who struggled with the transition from home. Most of the time I would find her laying in bed watching TV instead of being open to meeting new people. I struggled with this because it was a constant negative vibe about the university that I love. Second off, I would tell myself to make flashcards right off the bat. I am a very visual learner so when tests would come along I would spend so much time making flashcards and not having a lot of time to study them. This semester I am improving this by making flash cards as soon as I recieve the notes from my professor and maybe this will help in the long run when my first test rolls along. Studying for high school tests and studying for college exams are completely different and I've learned this through experience.


Relax a little, have fun while you're in high school, don't cloud out potentially fun high school experiences with the fear of how stressful college will be. It's not that bad, it has it's moments, but you'll get through them. Continue to be involved, high school isn't over until it's over. And then it's really over. For good, so do something your last semester that you thought you'd never see yourself doing. Maintain your grades, yes, but don't forget to have fun. You won't get time back, and college will have it's time, don't waste your last year of high school worrying about it so much. You'll have the next four years for that. Last but not least, everything works out how it's supposed to. Have faith in yourself.


After finishing a semester of college as a freshman, I now know the consequences of not studying. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would tell him to study more. As a senior in high school, I never took the opportunity to study for an exam. If I did study it was only for the finals. How am I supposed to study for a final in a class when I chose not to learn any of the material? Instead of studying for chapter tests, I chose to cram for finals hoping that I would be able to pass the class. By cramming and not studying I never learned any of the material. I would also tell myself to have better time management. In high school time, management wasn't important to me. After school, most of my time was dedicated to playing video games. I now realize that in college in order to pass I have to make a schedule. I use a planner to keep track of different events. If I took the liberty of making a schedule I could improve my time management.


I would tell my high school self to go into college with an open mind. You will meet many different kinds of people from all different cultural backgrounds and classes. Those two things, you will find, do not define a person. You will find your true self, as is everyone else. It is a period for discovering your talents and true academic ability. You will be pushed like you have never been pushed before, however you will learn it is all worth it in the end; the sleepless nights, hours upon hours of classwork, and feeling defeated and wanting to give up, but pushing through anyway. You can become anyone you want to be going into college, and you will choose the right path. The biggest piece of advice I could give to my high school self is to trust your instincts. Do what you know is right, work hard, and the end result will be the most rewarding experience of your life.


SAVE YOUR MONEY! It seems like loans are easy and tuition is easily paid for, but that is untrue! Saving your money will help extremely in the long run.


Looking back on my highschool years I would tell myself to get involved more. I was involved in Peer Leaders and we volunteered numerous places. I would tell myself to get involved more outside of school and make more of a difference. I enjoyed my highschool experience and I wouldn't change alot.


You are going to excel at college, it is the perfect place for you to flourish. Spend as much time as you can with your friends at the outdoor programs, they will be friends you have for the rest of your life. The friends who you climb, raft, and hike with will be the friends that you need. Your time management skills are great already and will be well honed as your college career progresses. It's ok to say no sometimes. When you find yourself stretched thin and have another opportunity on the table, think about what is most important to you and see if it is something you want to do. Make sure if you say you are going to do something to make it your business to do it every time.


If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to be afraid. Do not take the round about way to the degree that you want; go straight for it, do not take a detour. Although Bloomsburg University has a wonderful Education program you will not be happy and your heart will take you to Kutztown University after one semester at Bloomsburg. Your heart will pull you to the Library Science major that you fell in love with the first moment you heard the words "Library Science." It sounds fake because library and science do not usually combine. Library Science is where you will end up, if you do transfer schools. I know you want to take the round about way because it is cheaper to live at home, but your heart will be happier in the land where it belongs: among endless shelves of books in a school library.


I would tell myself that college is a great experience. I would tell myself that just because I did well in high school that did not mean that college would be just as easy for me. I would have to work harder. I would learn how to study and review for classes at least 30 min each day for each class. I would let highschool me know that college is about experimenting and having fun, but having to be responsible about it. I would tell me to be more risk taking especailly when it came down to talking to people. People will be open minded to you and accept you, for the most part it won't be like high school. There are so many other people in college that very rarely people at college will have their eyes on you judging you. Be open to college food, know your body and what you put into it. Work out, it does make you feel better. Make yourself noticed, do not wait until your junior year to realize that participating and being active is important. It will all be about networking, so start as soon as possible.