I knew that I wanted to meet new people and make friends. I wanted to get involved in the recycling club. Being here at Bloomsburg I have been fortunate to meet amazing people, some to be some of my best friends. I have been privileged to meet professors with outstanding knowledge. I have joined the recycling club known as H.O.P.E. I have become a more independent person as well as an adult. I wanted to attend Bloomsburg because I liked the campus and people. I have bagan a new chapter in my life and have enjouyed everyday here at Bloomsburg. Attteding Bloomsburg had changed my life. I have learned a lot, met a lot of amazing people, and been able to experience events that i have never had the oppourtunity to do. My friends and professors at Bloomsburg are positive influences in my life and i am very fortunate to have met them.
What I've gotten out of my college experience is the will and determination to be the best I can be, and not to settle for anything average or anything I'm not happy with. Throughout high school and half of my college education, I had no motivation. Through my friends, family, faculty, and students I've encountered during my 5 years at Bloomsburg University, they've inspired me to accomplish as much as I can academically and physically. Also, to live life and truly experience as much as I can. To create stories I can tell later down the road.
It's so importatnt to attend a college or university to better yourself. Not just obtain an education and acquire a degree, but to meet people different from yourself and learn from others. College in itself is a learning experience.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would tell myself never give up and keep pushing for what you believe in. I also would tell myself never have a fixed mindset about anything and always try no matter what. In addition I would tell myself to believe in yourself and have self confidence. I would also say that you are very intelligent and do not let anyone still your sun shine. Knowing what I know about college I would say prepare yourself for the better of the future and have proud in who you are as a student. For example, if someone is very smart do not compare yourself to them because you are just as smart as they are. Also do not be afraid to ask questions if you do not understand. In addition, knowing what I know about college, I would myself to work hard and strieve for my goals. I would also tell myself that if I want to be something in life it depends on me. Futhermore, I would tell myself to "Claim Your Education" to claim it I have to want it and work for it
I would tell myself to be more proactive and get involved. In high school I was always smart but I was lazy and didn't get involved in school activities or get the grades I could have gotten if I tried harder. There are a lot of opportunities in college and a lot of people who are trying to achieve the same goals that you are, so you can't wait because there will be somone who will get the spot or job before you. Getting involved will also help you transition more easily into college because you will meet new people. The best way to transition into a new setting is to talk to people who have already gone through the process. Basically, start with the end in mind. Think about what you want to achieve in the future and do what you can now to help you reach your goals.
The advice I would give myself would be to not stress as much about classes but be sure to put the right amount of effort forth to do well. Also, I would tell myself to make an attempt to meet more new people because it will make my college experience more enjoyable. It is very important to have the proper balance between a sufficient social life and academic performance. Without this combination the college experience would be shattered.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school student, I would explain the importance of starting the financial aid search early. I would heavily emphasize the deadlines that scholarships have. Another thing I would tell my high school self is to avoid procrastination when it comes to school work. It makes things more difficult for you in college being as though you get plenty of work. Using the time I have in college wisely is very important. One last thing i would tell my high school self is to avoid negative influences. There are people in college who avoid doing the right thing. If you are not careful, you may find yourself going in the wrong direction. Remain focused and have fun when necessary.
Throuhghout my high school career I was rather quiet and not very involved with clubs. I was involved athletically with soccer and hockey. As time progressed, I was somewhat going through the motions just to get out of high school. I had friends to hang out with after school and to build relationships with, my family was very supportive, caring, and inspirational, and my grades were above average. Regardless, as the time rolled around to apply to colleges and for scholarships, I became a bit lackadaisical. I understand now the importance of that process. As I sit here and right to you about what I would say to myself as a high school senior, only one word comes to mind, change. As I strolled along through high school, I never knew the importance of getting involved with clubs to meet different people or more importantly to apply for scholarships to assist my parents financially as I pursued a college career. Now as I continue my journey to a successful life, I would like to go back and tell myself three words, "Be that change."
Wow, I would have definetly pushed myself and told myself to take my high school education seriously. I would have gotten the help needed for me to be successful in my academics, especially mathematics, and physics. When ever I needed any type of help or assistance, in understasnding the material that was presented in class, I should have made an effort, to contact my teachers and get the help until I understood the material. I should have also spent more time with my counselor, so that I could be informed of the scholarships that were available, so I wouldn't have to take out a loan during my first year in college. I would have also saved money, because college is espensive, and it can sometimes be very difficult, affording books that are needed for my courses that I need to take.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to explore many career paths. I feel that many high school students only know the typical jobs of teacher, phycologist, doctor, or vetranarian. There are so many options out there that many high school students don't know about! Most students enter college never having experienced the occupation that they are majoring in. If I could go back, I would make sure that I explored and shadowed many career options. I have changed my major so many times because I didn't know what was out there. If I explored and shadowed careers in high school, I wouldn't have had to change my mind so many times. I also wouldn't have had to transfer from one school to Bloomsburg. Based on credits, I am a senior. However, I am a sophomore in my program because I found my passion later in college! It is normal to not know what you want to do when you go to college. However, putting youself out there in high school would ease the transition and take away the stress of going to college.
There are many things I would go back in time and talk to myself about with regards to college life. First I should always remember why I am here. Focus and determination are only two of the qualities that makes you successful in college. Organization is also a key concept that is very important to learn and to have. Study skills are also critical. In order to stay in school you have to study and keep your grades up. I would tell myself to always ask for help. There is a huge support group every where you turn and students should be mindful of instructors, aides, and other students who are willing to help. To ease the cost of college I would tell myself to have a plan. Loans are convenient but can you trust that you can pay those off in a timely manner? There are many other things I would go back and tell the "High School Me," however I am still in the process of learning. I have overcome some hurdles but experience is not over yet!