Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


First, decide if you want to go away to a university or stay local at a community college. If you plan to go to a university then try to find one that fits your lifestyle and atmosphere preference. There are many websites to help make the selection process easier. Another major component in this procedure is to find a school that has majors you're interested in. Once you've gotten through the application process and are moved in, it's very important to meet a lot of new people and network. Even if you tend to be shy, put yourself out there. Even I was surprised to find out how friendly other students are. It is a big change from high school and no one cares who you were those prior four years. I must stress to utilize all the school's resources: library, recreation center, tutors, and especially your professor's office hours. College is truly what you make of it. These four years are the years that shape the rest of your life. Just remember that your sole focus is to succeed but it's more than okay to have some clean fun along the way.


Make sure you choose a school that isn't too close or too far from home. Join a service organization, whether it's a fraternity/sorority or a club. If you're musical and the school is lucky enough to have a marching band, join band or choir. Supporting the footall team and being in marching band is an extremely rewarding experience. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Make as many friends as you can, the more the merrier, but make sure you all have common interests such as not partying. Partying isn't worth the potential consequences. If you're not sure what you want to do, begin as undeclared but don't mess around because it's hard to pull up your GPA after a rough start.


Go with your gut feeling. If you have any hesitations, ask a student, they will be more honest with you.


To parents and to-be college students: My first word of advice is to know what you want in a school. Do you want a big, sports-oriented, well-known university? Or would you be happier lying low in a small, academic college town? Are you going to school for the parties, or are you planning on coming home every weekend? Please take these aspects of college life into consideration. Apply to a variety of colleges so that when the time comes to choose, you have a wide range of choices. Visualize what kind of setting you would like around you, and visit that school. Make it happen! And most of all, be proud of yourself.


It's hard to know what you want to do right out of high school, and a large portion of students switch majors before they graduate. be true to yourself. If medicine doesn't feel like the right feild after the first year, it probably isn't. Get out. If education has you down, switch your major. Parents, be supportive. I am very lucky that my parents supported my decision to take a less practical major (English and philosophy instead of English and 2ndary education), and now I am attending Rutgers University for my masters with a 10,000 dollar assistantship--which isn't anything to scoff at. Just because your childrend aren't living your dream for them does not mean that they will fail. Be ready to adjust, though, if things don't go your way. Choosing the right college and the right major is finding the balance between compromise and putting your foot down. Just don't compromise too much. Shoot for the best you can get, talk to friends, talk to advisors, talk to counselors, they know what they are doing, get ideas, and good luck.


My advice to students who are trying to find the right college is to take the following into consideration: distance from home, financially affordable, and intended major. One should tour each college they are applying to and engage in conversation with professors in their intended major. This way one can get a feel for and an impression about the professors before making a decision. There are two words that can ifluence a student to make the most of their college experience, and the is "GET INVOLVED." By getting involved in the college of one's choice, they will attend numerous events and obtain various experiences. Attend sporting events and join clubs on campus. Most of the activities on campus involved many people, therefore they are a great oppurtunity to meet new people. Also, search for work study jobs, they usually accompany campus activities. Students should relax and have fun and remember to always go to a professor for help. Don't be affraid to ask questions or use the library.


As a recent college graduate and current continuing education student, I would advise prospective students and their parents to visit the top three colleges of their choice more than once, make an appointment and meet with faculty members or department chairs of your course of study, and research how many graduates from those colleges found jobs (in their field) following graduation. I can't stress enough how important it is to choose the right college for you because your happiness at school reflects in your grades. When you visit, you can get a feel of the atmosphere and if you get a great vibe then choose that school; don't let yourself and your grades go down because you are unhappy at school and regret the choice you made. Meet with faculty members of your declared major, it will help you make the choice and you will feel more secure about your program of study. It is also important to find out from the school's career advisement center how many alumni are employed in their major, and how long it took after they graduated to find a job. Make the most of college by being enthusiastic about your major!


You should choose your college based on your major. You should also look at job placement for that major at that school.


Be somewhere that you know will make you happy, not a place that just looks fancy or high tech. The smallest schools can be the best, even if they may not look big and flashy on the outside. Meet some of the teachers or take a tour and get a feel for the campus. Make sure the campus fits your lifestyle, not somewhere where you feel as if you need to comform to fit the campus. Go to a school where you feel like you can be yourself and do things that you want to do. As for making the most out of your college experience, dont hold back. Take a chance and try new things, new clubs, or activities. You may end up finding something that you never thought you would enjoy. Overall, the most important thing to remember is to go somewhere that you know you will be happy. If you are not happy with your surroundings, you cant be happy yourself. Go to Bloomsburg! =]


When looking for the right college for you, take into mind what is right for you. Don't let other peoples' opinions outweigh your own, let them influence you, but remember that ultimately you must choose what you want. Attend classes regularly because it is very important, and study outside of class. Get all of your work done before you go out and "party."