My best advice for parents or students when chosing the perfect college is to find one you are comfortable at. Most importantly know that when you walk away from that college on graduation day, it was well worth the money and the effort and that you would definitely do it all over again.
Visit your colleges first before you choose one! Seeing it ahead of time will give you more of an idea if you like it or not. Coming to college without looking at it first may cause you not to like it once you go and have a poor effect on your grades. Make sure you read your notes every night even if you just look them over once. Procrastinating is not a good thing and won't get you too far. Study and do your work and I guarentee you will be successful!! Joining clubs or organizations will help you make a lot more friends also. But remember, school work comes first.
I would tell the parents to let their children choose whatever school they think they would be happiest at. Tuition is a big concern and advice and realistic opinions should always be given, but it shouldn't be the only deciding factor in choosing a school. To the students I would tell them to do their research. The school they choose is where they will probably stay for four years. That's a long time to be somewhere they aren't completely happy with. They should start their research early, take it seriously. These four years will set the basis for the rest of their life in terms of career. The should go to a school that gives them the most options in terms of their major. They should take every opportunity offered to them to volunteer or do soemthing they have never done before. These experiences could chenge their outlook and goals. College is a huge decision that both parents and their children need to think seriously about.
Be sure where you want to go to school and why. Don't just choice the easiest solution. Think hard about what you want from a school and be sure that going away to college is the path you want to take. Also it is best to get involved right away and meet as many people as you can. Have an outgoing and exciting attitude towards the whole experience. A fun social situation can make your college experience one hundred percent better. It is important to do your work and do well in your classes; however, you are living at the school 24/7, so it is important to have friends to ease your way through your years at college.
I would tell students and parents that it is best to stay undeclared until you know for sure what you would like to major in. College is hard and there are a lot of different careers to chose from. Take your time, four years goes by fast, but study hard and succeed in what you believe.
If your not sure what you want to major in, go undecided and takes courses in a variety of programs. If you know what you want to major in look for the school that has the best program. Textbooks are very expensive, so you can email your professors to see what books they are going to be using and then go online and get them for more than half the cost.
The first thing I would say is go with your gut feelings. Don't just settle for something because someone else wants it for you. Have an open mind, and welcome new and different experiences than what you are used to. You will never know what you will like, or the type or amount of friends you could make. In turn, they can end up being life long friends. Never wait till the last minute to study, and don't think "ok I'm in school and I can get drunk." Risking your future is not worth one night of fun. Get involved in as many things as you can and never let others persuade your decisions. Be yourself and never change for anyone or anything. That is the best advice that will get you further in life than anything anyone will ever tell you.