I have had the privilage to learn and accept myself for who I am, which in turn has enabled me to fully succeed in my courses. I am now able to be a help to my peers and professors. I have grown to feel confident in my ability to communicate freely with my professors in regards to any conflicts that may hinder my ecational goals. When I transfer to a four year institution, I know I will be able to succeed with the skills and abilities I have acquired from the community college level. The valuable accomplishments I have achieved from learning about myself in school that I was unable to learn at home, will continue to help me in achieving my educational and personal goals that I have set for myself in my life.
Playing collegiate soccer for Bloomsburg University has been a significant experience in my life. Being honored as a 4-time All Conference player and Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference Player of the Year my senior season has shown me that by working hard and striving to be the best I can be, I can accomplish anything I want to do with my life. In the past four years, I have learned so much about myself and have become a stronger person because of my experience playing a sport in college. Not only has my involvement with Bloomsburg’s soccer program brought me insurmountable value to my life, I have learned life lessons that will greatly help me in a nursing career. Playing soccer for Bloomsburg University has encouraged me to never give up. I have learned to persevere in my aspirations both on and off the field. I have learned how to be a responsible and reliable person. I have also found that time management is very important when playing a collegiate sport. Managing practices and games with classes and maintaining a high GPA has taught me how to set my priorities.
In my college experience I have gained a lot. Most obvious, I have gained knowledge. I've learned information about history, science, composition, etc. In years to come I will learn and gain the skills I will need to work in my field after I graduate. But I've also learned about life. I've gotten a small glimpse of the real world and college is starting to prepare me for the real world. Friendships are something else I have gained in my college experience. The friends I have made will never be forgotten and I will continue to build those friendships and gain more friends.
I have gotten so much out of my college experience, and I have to say Bloomsburg was the best choice for me.
Since I have got to college last fall, I feel I have grown up a lot. I had to branch out from being around my family everyday, and around the same kids from high school, to meeting all new people and making all new friends. It was hard at first, but after a while its something that just becomes second nature. I have learned a lot more interpersonal skills, maturity, and where making the right choice as oppose to the wrong choice can really have a huge effect on my life. I have also learned that getting work done and having it in on time is very important, as well as leaving enough time for studying, but being able to balance it out with time for fun and friends.
I have always been told I could never make it in college. I am driven by that to do something more with my life. My parents never went to college and I see how hard they had to work to care for me and my sister. I want to me able to have a stable life style for my family and that's what drives me to become a better person. Lone Star College- Montgomery is the first college I have gone to and it has helped me grow up and to help me in deciding what I want to do with my life. The teachers that I have had there have helped me through a lot in my life.
I have learned a lot from my college experience. I have learned what the real meaning of responsibility is. In college, there is no one to tell you what to do or remind you when things need to get done. College is the beginning to ones independent life and it is up to the person to make the right decisions. Responsibility is something that is not that had to gain, but making the right decisions on how to gain responsibility is very important. For example, going to sleep when one has early classes the next morning, or studying instead of having fun with your friends or going out. College has allowed me to grow up and make my own decisions, responsibly. Attending college is a life experience that was very important in my life and I am glad that I was able to gain this knowledge of responsibility.
In my college experience I've learned how to respect people's cultures. I have learned how to get along with other people. I have learned that sometimes being without scholarship money, college can be difficult, but also fun. In college, I have seen people drop out of college because of financial issues. Seeing these people has given me the determination to seek scholarships. Getting scholarships release my stress of money. I have always believed that money is the distraction of peoples' education. People who go to school have to work to pay off their bills. People do this for the love of school and the fun of the school. I have learned all about myself and what I will strive to do in the future
Attending college has been the best option in my life thus far. Taking a year off college has been rough. I realized that my options would be limited in life. While in college, I felt the feeling of belonging and that im doing the right thing in life. I am determined to succed and would not change what I have learned. Being in college taught me to be more open minded and not judge people easily based on physical appearence.
College is a very important part of life; it is full of experiences of all kinds. My personal experience has been to think ahead, make short and long term goals, and be prepared for what will come in the future. These all come hand in hand with college life and decision making. I have also learned that there is two different "gears" for me; procrastinating and to get things done immediately at the best of my ability. This experience will help me in the future when I plan to attend medical school. My experience at Rich Mountain Community College has given me a baseline on how to study, learn, and focus on achieving my goals.