If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself advice on staying focused. I would tell myself to wright down my goals on a sheet of paper and hang them on the inside of my locker so that I would be able to see them often. I would tell myself every single day to look at these goals that I want to achieve and always remember to never let anyone or anything distract me in accomplishing my dreams.
If I could go back in time and have a conversation with myself at the time of a high school senior I would tell myself to be open minded and relaxed. Now that I've experienced almost two years of college, I realized it's more exciting and rewarding than it is scary and overwhelming. My advice would be to never be afraid to speak up, whether it be in class, around faculty and staff, or even on campus with other students. Everyone on campus is most likey feeling similar to what you feel, whether they're good or bad feelings. It's always helpful to make a friend to talk or even study with. I would say to do what's right for you and no one else. Also, this is your future and do your best with what comes your way.
The transition to college for me was somewhat difficult. I come from a small town, and a close, loving family. It was very hard for me to leave my home and everything and everyone I love. Once at college, I found myself very depressed and anxious and unable to focus on my studies. The first semester was the hardest, but each semester I'm improving mentally and academically. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself a few things. First, I would tell myself to never forget who I am, and never lose site of that. I would also say, remember where you come from, because as you go off into the big world, it's always important to remember your home and your loved ones. I would tell myself to study hard and never give up on my dreams. Lastly, I would remind myself to hold loved ones close and be thankful for all I have and am blessed with. These are things I was reminded of at college, and I think if I was reminded of them in high school, I would've benefitted more.
If I could go back and give my high school self advice, I would tell myself not to allow myself to go home every weekend my freshman year like I did. I would tell myself to stay and make friends earlier in the year and not to worry so much about my friends at home. I would also tell myself to be more outgoing early on, instead of coming out of my shell later on in the year. Another word of advice I would give myself would be to stay on top of my work, not to fall behind, and to use good time management!
Colleen McDevit
If I could go back in time, and talk to myself a high school senior; Id make sure I was involved in activities, get the highest grades possible and make sure I had better attendance. Now that I am in college I struggle because I didn?t give my all when I
was in high school. Teachers would always try and prepare me for my future in college but I didnt think twice about what they said. I was only involved in one club, which is called Club Ophelia. It s to help teens deal with issues. Other than that I was not involved with my high school. If I could go back now, I?d get involved in as much as possible. My first two years of school I did poorly with attendance and grades. By the time I was a junior I was awarded for perfect attendance and made it on distinguished honor roll. I finally improved but I wish it was sooner. I?m happy I finally started improving; I believe it did help prepare a little for college. After my first semester in college I do wish I was able to relive high school
I would tell myself to be more relaxed when living with new roommates. For me, that was the hardest adjustment when attending college. Living with other people in a dorm room or an apartment is a lot different than living with family. I would advise my senior-year self to be more laid-back about cleanliness and to just relax more.
If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself with the knowledge I know about college life I would most definitely tell myself to attend Bloomsburg University. It is a college that is far from home but still close in distance at the same time. I would also tell myself about all the different people that I would meet that come from backgrounds different from my own. I would tell myself how wonderful the community and surrounding scenery are. The most important thing that I would tell myself is to never give up no matter how hard it may seem. There is someone who will always be there for you no matter what. I would remind myself that I am a strong person who can do anything that I set my mind to and someday my dream of becoming a registered pediatric nurse will come true as long as I work to obtain that dream.
Do not expect professors to hound you on completing assignments like teachers do in high school. You must self-regulate and prompt yourself to get things done in a timely manner. No one is going to constantly remind you that an assignment is due. Start working on tasks when they are assigned so you have plenty of time to revise and complete them. Be an outgoing person as well. People want to get to know you but only if they feel like you want to know them. If you're living in a dorm, keep your door open and don't be afraid to introduce yourself to others. Everybody is in the same boat and wants to make new friends. Also take your studies seriously. You will not be here to party. This is your one chance to prepare yourself for the real world. You don't want to graduate and realize that the only thing you've really learned is how to do a keg-stand. Use your resources too. Go to your professors' office if you need help. They are there for your benefit. Most importantly though, be yourself and enjoy this experience of personal growth.
Be prepared to do a lot of work. It only gets harder as you get on. But make sure you budget your workload with your social life and you'll be successful and enjoy your experience.
Just because you do really well in highschool does not mean that college will be easy. It takes a lot of hard work and detication to get a good gpa.