Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Adive I would give to my high school self is hard work pays off. I would make sure my younger self knew the importance of giving your all, so know matter you don't have any regrets and you can be proud of your accomplishments. I would also want my younger self to know that whats ment to be will happen. Even when times feel rough the puzzle pieces will eventually fall in place so you just have to keep your head held high and have faith. I would also tell myself not to stress so much over such small things because in the big picture of life those small things are nothing and it's better to enjoy life. Lastly, I would tell myself to make sure to stop and smell the roses and live life as much as you possibly can. Yes, education is very important for obvious reason, but so is living life to fullest and making your time on this earth counts. Make a different because even though you are just one person, you can be the first step to changing/fixing the world.


This is such a great question. Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to have fun but realize that just because you live so close to your friends, doesn't mean you have to ALWAYS be together. I'm health sciences and they're education or communications, unfortunately our educations require different amounts of study time and different ways to study. It's great to have fun, but it should primarily only be on weekends. If you have a test on a Monday, it's ok to sit home all weekend; don't let your friends change your mind. Go to office hours, it can be awkward at times, but it's necessary. READ THE BOOK, no mattter how many people on Ratemyprofessor say you don't need to, YOU DO. Enjoy college and find yourself, but remember that your GPA is what will get you into graduate school or help with a job. Relax and work hard, I know it sounds contradicting but it isn't, and let the ride be what it is.


What I would tell myself as a high school senior would be to enjoy high school as much as possible. College life is really hard. You need to learn to balance work, being a full-time student, and own personal life. So be as active in high school as you can. Join clubs, do after school activities, volunteer, go support your schools sports teams! Also, try not to over stress so much with all the homework and projects, because its nothing compared to what college is going to be like. Most importantly, have as much fun as you can because college will not be easy but its nothing you can't handle!


I would tell myself to focus more on school and try harder. In high school I slacked off a little bit during senior year and that definitely did not help me with the transitition to college. I would also tell myself to be more outgoing. In high school I was very quiet and reserved but once I got to college I had to be more outgoing to meet people and make new friends.


You think you are ready to experience being a college student, but you are in for a big surprise. College is going to teach you what the true meanings of being independent and responsible are. You are not going to stand up and walk over to your teacher's desk for help during class. You are going to learn to utilize the services offered to you such as your professor's office hours and tutoring, on your own time. You will dread the thought of "final's week" and "pulling all-nighters", but the feeling of success will overcome any other when you receive the grades you worked so hard for. You are going to meet new people, get involved in clubs and activities, and possibly find a boyfriend. The transition will not be as you expect, but once you grow accustomed to that new chapter, you will want it to last a lifetime. Do not be afraid to make mistakes because the lessons you will learn from them will only benefit your future and make you a stronger, level-headed person. When you get to where I am now, you will know why it is worthwhile.


Start off with an undeclared major.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I wouldtell myself to allowed my mindset to transform from high school to college. I would also tell myself that its harder on your own and to stop getting use to mom and dad waking you up everyday. I would advise myself I would be surrounded by new faces and places and at first might think I would be able to fit in. I would also advise myself to get think of some goals such as: to study and focus. And to make one of my biggest goals to graduate from college. The last thing I would tell myself is always remember that your education is very important.


You should know exactly what you want to do before entering college and be prepared for the classes. You should also look into CLEP tests because there are many classes that you can test out of and still recieve credit for. More time should be designated for homework, and study groups are extremely helpful.


I made a lot of friends that will be life-long friends. I learned a lot about myself and possible careers. I learned the value of hard work and blocking out distractions. I feel like i'm well equipped for the future and prepared for it.


Throughout my education, I have been searching for any sort of knowledge that will help me find out who I am and who I want to become. Through the first year of college, I was able to take a montage of classes to aid me in figuring out what suits me and what doesn't. I have been able to reach out to those who surround me and meet people of whom I would have never approached in my hometown. I have become quite a bit more accepting and I have come to realize that there is so much out there in the world for me. I am so excited to see what lies around the corner for me in my education and then in the 'real world.' I feel like I have begun the journey to see who I am/will become and, although this journey will not be easy, am ready to keep charging along. Although there will be many mountains to climb, I have become confident that I will succeed in my education.