I think that finding the right college is very intimidating at first for both parents and students. I would say to visit as many as possible and keep your options open. Just because you do not like the first school you see does not mean you should give up. Also try to narrow down your likes and dislikes. When i went to visit colleges i kept a journal and wrote down the things i liked and disliked about each university. Once you choose a school, it is good to get involved to feel like you belong and are part of something. It is good to make sure you can handle your work load first but after that join clubs or greek life. My second semester i joined a sorority and it was the best decision because not only do i have a family away from home but i also participate in community service. When picking a college you just need to imagine your self living there for the next few years. Ask your self if that is the place that will help you get to your next step in life, in the real world.
Make sure its what you need not what you want
In order to find the right college you must do a lot of reasearch on the internet and tour the school. It is important for both the student and the parents to sit down together and make a list of the most important things they are looking for in the school. Also, try to get in contact with students that go to the school and see how they feel about the school. The students that go to school have first hand experience and will be able to tell you the honesty pros and cons about the school. Also, it is imporant to take your time and look at more than just one school. Compare the schools to each other and make a list and see which school has the specific things you are looking for in a school. So just remember do a lot of reasearch, start early, and take your time!
When you first look at your college search decide first which type of college you would want to go to either away or commute. I would strongly recommend going away. I say this first because when i was young i would always get homesick. I chose a college that was commpletly different from my envirerment and also two and a half hours away. Comming from a large city and going to a school that was basically in the middle of no where was a big transition but i wouldn't ever change that descision. Step up and do something different, maybe you will enjoy it and it will be the best expeirence for you , like it was for me.
As for making you college experence GET INVOLVED! Put yourself out there and join clubs it will be the best choice. It will get you to meet people outside your friend circle and you will devolope unique friendships. I never regret joining my sorority and trying out for the rugby team, they were the best decisons of my life. I met my best friends through these clubs. I couldn't do college without these people!
College is rough experience for anyone looking to attend. When looking for the right college it's all about what type of setting you want to be in. I feel like there are two types of areas, the city and the country area. This is strictly a preference but it can narrow down a huge selection of schools that you may be thinking about. The next step is to just go and start visiting schools and starting to see what ones appeal to you more the others. To make the most out of your college experience it really isn't that hard. A lot of kids feel that drinking is the key to meeting new people but I beg to differ. To meet new kids it?s all about social networking. You have to meet new people; they won?t just fall into your hands. Take advantage of all of the events that the university offers. Another good social networking tool is to spend some time in the student recreation center and find some kids that take part in the same activities you do. If you follow these tips college will seem like a lot less of a burden.
Visit. Stay overnight and really look around. Talk to other students. Be sure you want to be far away from home or near so you can get home if you need to. Freshman hink they are ready to be away from home but really think about that. It seems to be an issue. They really need to know themselves. Its not easy.
The answer to these questions are very simple and can be answered in just a few words. The trick with finding the right college for you is to start looking early and stick to looking at colleges that are in the right geographical area that you are looking for. For instince I wanted to find a school that was not to close but also not to far from my house, and that offered a good safe area to be around. I also wanted to school that had a lot of things to do off campus, but not to be in a city like area. You also need to look at a school that offeres a really great program for your major.
To make the most of yoru college experience you just have to get out and meet people. Also try not and go home every weekend, and budget your time. And never be afraid to say no.
Actually vist the college and if possible, spend a weekend there to see the atmosphere. Many schools seem harmless until the weekend.
Listen to your children / parents. In both cases, understand that you both know whats best for you. In the end remember that your child is the one that will be living and learning at this establishment. Students, get out and do something, dont sit in your room and do nothing, it will eventually drive you insane. GO TO CLASS, many people i know thought they could just skate by, by only going to class for the tests, they were so wrong. Going to class helps you build a professional relationship with your proffessor, which not only helps during the semester but can also help when looking for jobs once you graduate. All in all my biggest piece of advise would be to find somewhere that is condusive to your learning. Dont go to a schoold for the parties or the people, your education is the biggest priority at this stage of life.
Don't make a decision based on where your friends are going. It's important to visit different campuses to get a better idea of what appeals to you so you will feel comfortable and at home while you attend school there.