Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would advice to not make a huge joke out of english class. I should've learned more because that is the class that was most challanging for me during my first semester. Also I would have myself push myself more into harder classes and not take the easy way out. Maybe if I had worked harder during high school and participated in nonprofitable organizations I would be able to recieve scholorships. Just one scholorship could help me pay for the books that i greatly need but have a hard time paying for them on top of the semester.


I would begin by telling myself to group up faster than what I did. I wouldn't sit around and get caught up in the typical high school drama/life. I see now that my classmates I had in high school that i always thought were quiet or weird were the smart ones. They are the ones who have the most to look forward too and most likely have the least amount of trouble when it comes to affording college. I also would have told myself to try much harder in baseball in order to get more out of it in college. Lastly, I would tell myself to stick with a decent paying job instead of giving up so soon on something that would have helped me in the future.


Dear Me, Before you head off to college there are some things that you should do this year. 1. Get your license now. Mom doesn't want to drive you to classes every day. 2. Enjoy learning while you can-you won't have time to really enjoy it once you start college. College is not where you get to learn about the stuff you're really interested in-so use this last year to LEARN about what you LOVE! 3. Learn a language. 4. Write your stories-you will miss writing a lot! 5.Talk to God everyday! Don't skip this step! 6. Do things! Take the opportunities that appear in your life-your college schedule won't let you do random things, so enjoy the freedom while you have it. 7. Play the piano, go to lessons, and practice! Your wonderful piano teacher will miss you a lot when you start skipping lessons to do homework. 8. Never forget that you are wonderful-no matter how many things you haven't done or experienced-you are awesome already! Love, Me


I want to say that making friends and learning how to meet new people is very important. When I went to college I knew no one and social skills were very important inorder to make friends. As a senior in highschool, I would have told myself to use different study technices. It was difficult my first semester of college because I hadn't established good study skills. I would have told myself to take notes on what I read and make flash cards and also to study more in groups. I would have told myself not to be afraid of getting involved in new and challenging things such as clubs or sports. If you don't get involved you will feel out of place in college. Looking back I wish I would have read more so that I would not be such a slow reader now. You do a lot of reading in college and it is important to be able to understand things quickly. I wish I would have really learned some things the first time. If I would have truly understood everything I learned in chemistry in highschool i would have picked it up faster in college.


My senior year of high school was by far my best year of high school, but looking back on it I realize I could have put in alot more effort into preparing for college. I kept up with my grades, but that was about it. I wish that I could tell myself that there's alot more to preparing for college than getting straight A's. I waited until very late to start applying and visiting schools. I also didn't do much research on scholarships, which is something I really regret. Thankfully, everything fell into place and I couldn't see my self anywhere other than Bloomsburg University. I regret my laziness towards the end of my high school career, but I've learned from my mistakes and they've helped shaped who I am today.


It was easy to say that as a high school senior I already knew what to expect from college. However, the experience was completely different than what I though it would be. I would go back and tell myself to work on time management skills, study skills, soft skills, and focusing. It seems that in college these skills are everything. Time management is important to allow one to have an amount of time set for each task that needs to be completed and to allow for optimum use of time in between tasks. Good study skills are important to use. One should study a little every day rather than taking in all the information at once only a few times. I have seen many of my friends at college not do well in class because they do not study on a regular basis. Lastly, soft skills are important to be able to communicate with one?s roommate, teachers, and peers. Good communication is a key to success in college. Focusing is also a key to success. Do not to let others get in the way of one?s accomplishments. My transition would have been smoother had I understood this information.


Thinking back to my senior year I am very grateful that I took the AP Biology class that I took. Taking this class was challenging but I believe it was an extra class on my transcripts that made the final decision of getting into Bloomsburg University. Receiving credit for this class also gave me an advantage at Bloomsburg because since my credits transferred I do not have to take the same class again at Bloomsburg. Thinking back, I really wish that I was involved in more activities through my high school, I believe that being involved in sports and extra curricular activities really does make a difference on getting into the college you want and I wish I knew that then. I also think that it is very important to keep good grades, respect your teachers and have a clean record. I graduated high school with a 3.3 GPA, respected my teachers and never was sent to the principles office. The transition from high school to college is a very drastic one, you must make new friends, manage your time well and still continue to keep up the good grades even though the work has gotten much more difficult.


study hard and dont procrastinate


It's not going to be as easy as you think. There is a lot of work expected of you and there is a lot of research you have to do for papers. If you're an education major you especially have a large work load ahead of you and need to focus on school work to do well. There are a lot of fraternities and sororities but don't let it suck you in, parties are not all that college is about, in fact drinking and parties aren't that important and only hurt your ability to do well. Get more involved with clubs and go to sporting events to meet new people and make friends. Go to the gym and workout to avoid the freshman 15, the food is good but you need to keep it under control so you don't get bigger.


When you begin your journey of finding a college start early. Begin your search as a junior instead of as a senior. This will give you more time to choose the right school that best meets you needs. Next you should apply early, this way you will have a better chance of getting a great financial package with everything your school has to offer you. While doing this remember to keep your grades up and grasp every opportunity you can. Also continue on with your extracurricular activities. You may not be the star of the team, but being apart of a team helps a lot with getting into a school and getting scholarships. To get the most help throughout your school year try finding a local college. This way if you don't enjoy living on campus you can always commut from home. Also you will have more people you know while meeting new people. If you go to an out of state school you may not be able to see your family until the holidays come around. Think about it the transition would be much easier if you know that you always have a home to go to.